Chapter 22

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After I got Xavier's text that he was leaving, I decided to grab one of the many books off the bookcase and relax by the window. It would be the first time in...Well ever, I guess, that I get to not have to worry about anything. Usually on a Saturday, I would have to be up by 7am just to run to the store and grab what I could for breakfast before dad woke up. Then I would have to have the food ready to serve by the time he did wake up. While he eats, I would start to clean the kitchen, and anything else that would need cleaning in the house. That mainly consisted of the living room, since dad never really left his favorite chair.

From there, I would need to leave for work by noon. I always made sure to work on the weekends, so I could find an excuse to get out of the house, otherwise, dad wouldn't let me leave so I could be his personal slave to him and his buddies. Speaking of work, I technically don't have to go to work this weekend, due to Doug finding out I was in the hospital, and knows I needed to rest, but I am sure he would give me some hours if I just showed up. Now my only problem was getting a ride to the diner. I walked over the walk-in closet to see if any of the clothes in there would actually fit, or at least that I can manage with until I can get some clothes.

Surprisingly, most the clothes were my size, and they weren't hideous. I honestly thought maybe these clothes were Xavier's mom's back up closet clothes. These clothes look almost brand new, and more my age's trending style. I grabbed a pair of white-washed skinny jeans, a plain navy-blue V-neck shirt, and my old school low top chucks. As soon as I was done tying my shoes, when a light knock came to the bedroom door. The only one who knew I was in here, was Jason, but I highly doubt he would've had such a gentle knock. "T Girl? It's Jewel, are you in there? I saw you run in here earlier. I just wanted to check in on you."

That's right, I met Jewel at The Barn. It would make sense she was here, she probably passed out like most the bodies downstairs from the party. I opened the door slowly, and sure enough, she looked like she went through hell and back. She was dressed up in a black plaid mini skirt, fishnet stocking with platformed combat boots, and a black and red laced corset. She stood out, alright. I wonder what she even sees in this crowd. I met her eyes, which seemed puffy and bloodshot, and she gave me a small smile. "Hey. How are you? I was getting ready to leave."

She looked at me confused, and tried to look beyond me into the bedroom, but I walked into the hall and shut the door. "Do you"

I glanced behind me at the closed door, like it was going to provide me with an answer. "I'm not sure?" Her brows scrunched together from my answer. "I mean, I stayed here..l-last night." She was staring at me to explain further, but I didn't want people knowing my business anymore than what people do know already. "It's complicated." She seemed to accept that answer, and I was thankful. "Were you leaving too?"

"Yeah, did you need a ride somewhere?"

"Depends on where you're going?"

I was actually going to this diner in town to get some lunch. They have the best hangover food there."

I swear, if I prayed, my payers were being heard. "That's perfect, I work there, and need to go into work. I wasn't sure how I was going to get there since Xavier left already." She looked at me with amusement and curiosity. That I understood, since Xavier was not one to do nice deeds, or be nice to anyone for the matter. Not even for girls. "So yes, can I catch a ride with you?"

"Yes. As long as you tell me why X is being so helpful with you and why you actually call him by his full name. Deal?" She was smirking at me, like I had some god like secret to share about Xavier. I also didn't understand why he insisted to go by 'X', I think he has a nice name.

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