Chapter 35

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My head was splitting in two from the pounding headache I was wearing. If I wasn't pregnant, I would swear I was living a hangover right now. My side ached as if someone punched me. My eyelids were in no mood to cooperate as I tried to gage where I was. It smelled stale and of mildew. The ground was cold like cement. The last thing I remembered was being carried outside my house and I was trying to find one of the men to get away when something hard came crashing down on my head and I went blank.

My eyes decided to open but my vision was no better. Everything was still dark with no light anywhere. The heaviness of my belly made it hard for me to lift my body into a sitting position. Once upright, nausea rolled right through my stomach, and I had to hold back as much as possible from throwing up. The splitting pain in my head seemed to move, spreading through my whole skull, and my jaw was sore too. I was leaning against a wall when I heard a small shuffle across from me. With it being so dark, I could only see a dark lump, slightly moving. I tried tucking myself further into the wall, like that was going to save me from who, or what, was moving.

The shadow eventually started growing upwards, and panic was chilling my bones. With instinct, I wrapped my arms around my belly, knowing that protecting the baby was the most important thing right now. I heard a small feminine moan from the shadow. Out of fear, I whispered over "May?" The shadow stopped moving. "May, is that you?" I seriously hoped it was May, but then again, I also hoped it wasn't.

"Treya?" May's soft voice trailed over to me. I let out a slow breath I didn't know I was even holding. The blanket that was covering her, fell from her face revealing a very scared May. When her eyes landed on me, relieve swam across her face. "Oh Treya! I thought you weren't going to be okay! I was so scared for you." May started scooting over towards me to lean next to me against the wall.

"Do you remember anything?" I was thinking May was probably in the same boat as I was in being left in the dark too.

"When we left the house, one of the bigger guys came up behind you and hit you in the head with a gun." Tears started to fall from her eyes, and her body started trembling. "There was so much blood. I thought you were going to die. The guy holding you threw you in the trunk of the SUV, and I was shoved in next to you then wrapped in a sack." That's probably what she pulled off her head when she started stirring awake.

"Do you know where we are or how long we were driving? How long was I out for?" I was laying on the questions thick because I wanted to see if I could get an idea where we are and how long it's been we've been missing.

"I couldn't see my watch, but if I had to guess, I would say we drove for over an hour. I had the sack on my head so I couldn't see what we're in. We did walk downstairs, so I would say it's safe to say we're in some kind of basement. And feels like I've been sitting down here in silence forever. Hours for sure, I just don't know how many hours." Well, that information wasn't going to help any. For all Xavier knows, I am still in town, and even if he thinks I am out of town, which direction would I be in.

"In the time I have been out, has anyone come down to check on us?" Obviously, they needed us for something, and I doubted they took us to keep us caged the whole time. They would want entail.

"No. It's been dead silent since they tossed us in here several hours ago." She sounded just as defeated as I did. I felt bad, because if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be in this situation. "I guess I was right about X, huh? Him being part of the Mafia. I didn't think my parents actually represented his family, but they did talk about them a lot when they didn't think I was listening."

"What's everything you can remember overhearing about the Marizio family?" Maybe that could give us some clues to why this MC are after Xavier and his family. It wouldn't tell me why my dad is involved.

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