Chapter 14

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After Xavier had dropped me off at my work, I had gone into work and talked my boss into letting me work an extra shift, so it didn't look like I lied to Xavier. I had told him earlier I needed to go into work after school, and since we didn't go to school, he had stuck with me the whole day.

I was thankful Xavier didn't come into the diner and sit, instead he left as soon as he saw me walk into the back to get ready after speaking with my boss. I only worked a small shift, so I wouldn't be late getting home, subsequently I technically didn't work today, and did not want to upset my dad any more than I had.

I had made it home in time to get started on dinner before he woke up. Of course, there was not much in the way of dinner makings since he hadn't received his monthly check and I just used what little money I had to spare, to buy more bandages to take care of my wounds. I settled on macaroni and cheese with meatloaf with the small amount of hamburger meat we had left. Honestly, that would be enough for the both of us, but I am sure he will have a buddy or two over to hang out, which means I will get nothing, if not at least a small bite.

I've grown used to not eating anything for dinner, and sometimes nothing for breakfast too on the weekends. I am only lucky to get food in the morning times at school because of Patti. So, sure enough, once the meatloaf was being pulled out of the oven, the front door opened to two overly hairy middle-aged men. One was Daryl, dad's old hunting buddy, and the other was Wade, someone dad used to work in the factory with, before he lost his job.

Daryl is the sleeziest, the way he always looks at me like he's undressing me with his eyes as he licks his lips every time he sees me. He stands a little over six feet tall, beer gut for days, as if he was ready to give birth, and hard that seems to never stop. You see it peeking out the collar of his shirts in the front and the back. He's also got a full mustache and beard that needs massive grooming. As big as he is, he still manages to find clothes two sizes too big.

Wade is just as disgusting; with the way he's always sizing me up whenever he gets the chance. He's just a bit shorter than Daryl, no more than an inch or two, also flaunts a beer belly, but only looks like he's hiding a small pillow under his shirt. He too, has an ungroomed face of hair, along with a mop of long hair that peaks through his truckers hat he wears every day. I don't think that thing has ever seen a washer.

As soon as both of them come into the house, they spot me in the kitchen right away, and do their usual ogling before walking into the living room. I hear them automatically ask my dad what's for dinner, before turning on one of their many sports games they watch when they come over. I hear my dad yell into the kitchen, "TREYA! Is dinner done?"


"The boys want to know what's on the menu?" My dad asks laughing, enjoying the way he treats me like I'm some slave to his boys.

"Mac and cheese with meatloaf. That's all we had left in the cupboards and fridge."

I hear one of the guys make a comment. "She just made meatloaf two days ago, and it was like eating cow shit!"

"Why didn't you go shopping for more food?" I hear my dad ask, as his voice steadily got closer. I could also hear the anger in his voice, which means he is not happy with what I have made for dinner, and definitely not at all appreciative to me actually making dinner.

Before I could respond, I felt a sudden pain hit hard against the side of my face. At that moment, I knew I was going to regret using what little money I had on myself. While I cower in the corner of the kitchen closest to the sink, I responded in a trembling voice, "I used the last of my money on the grocery I bought three days ago. I don't get paid again..."

Before I could finish, a foot came hauling right into my ribs. I am pretty sure the kick just missed the already broken bones I am sure I have from the last beating, but I certainly heard the crack once his foot made contact. I laid in the fetal position, trying to protect as much as my body as I could, taking all the blows as they came. Just before I started seeing blackness, the hits stopped.

"You selfish bitch! I know for a fact you make enough to put a decent meal in all our fucking stomachs. Remember, you should be so lucky, I let you live here rent free. The least you can do is help out around here. You could be on the streets, like a cheap whore. Instead, you have a warm bed and a fucking roof over your head. Now, GET YOUR ASS UP AND GET SOME FOOD!" I tried to move as I watched a blurry image of my dad retreat to the living room again.

If I can make it out of the house and into the woods for a while, I know his buddies will leave soon and he will be passed out, and I can go back home. I can't even call it home, more like back to prison, and crawl up the stairs to my prison cell. I figure since the guys just showed up, I probably have about another three hours before dad will be out and won't wake up until tomorrow afternoon.

As painful as it was, I was able to finally stand up and grab my sweatshirt before heading out the door. I stumbled a bit going down the porch steps and dragged myself to the border where the woods begin that line our house. One thing I loved about where the house was, is that it was hidden behind what looked like a huge forest, so no one could see how we lived. Unless you knew the woods well enough, there really was only one way in and out from our property.

I am not sure if anyone actually owned the land within the woods, but about two and half years ago, while trying to get away from dad one night, I came across an old, condemned shack about a quarter mile in. A lot of the wood was rotted with holes in it, and what was left of the windows were pretty much shattered. Over time, I would go and try to add things to it and try to do things to fix the windows some, for those nights I needed an escape, and didn't want to freeze to death. I made my way in the shack and collapsed onto the ratted sheets and pillows I have brought over time. My body must have been more beaten than I realized, and as soon as my head hit one of the pillows, sleep took over.

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