Chapter 29

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It has been an interesting few weeks. My hormones have been calming themselves down some, but I keep having urges to want to have sex with Xavier. I think it's this special bond we've built, since him saving me from my dad. Every time I'm near him, I think of all the times we have sex and how hot it is. I find myself during the days making a pit stop to the girl's bathroom after lunch, after I've been around him, to relieve myself. Of course, with this ever-growing belly, reaching certain places have become...difficult.

I've hit 24 weeks, which means my feet have disappeared. It's become harder and harder to hide my belly, so I layer up and make it look like I'm just gaining more weight. I'm sure no one is stupid, and some are suspicious, because for years, I've been skin and bones, and then in a matter of months, I blow up. At least no one has said anything. The rumors have also stopped with me and Xavier, mainly since he's not around me like a lost puppy, and he still has his ever-lasting whore posse all over him.

We haven't named this...whatever this is between us. I'm just his brother's, baby mama, bed mate, girl he helps sexually...friend? It's something I think about a lot. Like right now, I'm sitting here on a Saturday afternoon, after everyone finally went home from the nights before party, eating cereal on the counter, trying to figure out my situation. Here, I don't have to hide my situation. Jason already knows I'm pregnant, he just doesn't know it's his baby. I think he thinks it's his brothers. So, with the weather warming up, I tend to roam the house in comfy booty shorts paired with one of Xavier's wife beaters.

So I was flustered when someone, other than those that live here and know I'm pregnant, to walk into the kitchen. I jumped when I heard the loud gasp. Jessica! Of all people, the one who likes to make my life hell since Freshman year. Right behind her came her newly BFF, Francesca. They are complete opposites, other than they are both trying to bang Xavier. I have a feeling, that Francesca hasn't quite figured out that that is Jessica's motive. Well, I'm not going to tell her.

They both just stand their stunned, and finally Rosa comes rushing in, then halts when she witnesses everyone's expression. "Miss Jessica, Mr. Jason is not awake right now." She tries to usher the two girls out of the kitchen, but neither of them was having it. "Please, I will let him know you stopped by." I myself still haven't made a move, other than to look away, while Rosa continued to move them out.

"Let go of me! Go wake Jason. I need to speak with him now!" She said this while glowering at me. Rosa tried to refute her command, that didn't fly well with Jessica. "You are the servant. You do not tell me what you are going to or not going to do, that is my job. Now, go wake him." Rosa sympathetically looked at me, but I nodded towards her to let her know I was okay. "I knew you were a whore. You probably don't even know who the father is. What did you do, beg for Jason and Xavier to take you in?" She gave this ridiculous attempt of a pouty face.

I put my bowl down, slid off the counter, then slowly waddle my pregnant over to her. "I know exactly who the father is. I don't beg for anything, never have and never will. I think it's time for you to leave. As Rosa said, your boy toy is asleep." She was heated by this point, but it was Francesca who started to advance on me.

"You think you have everyone fooled. What did you do to get Xavier to dismiss almost everyone woman? He's not even willing to take his library lunch breaks. Trying to playhouse here, you FUCKING SLUT?!" Now she's shouting at me. What was she hoping to achieve with that one? Before I could get in her face, Xavier comes slamming through the kitchen, pissed as hell. I can only assume, Rosa woke him up, not Jason.

"What the fuck are you skanks doing in my house?" Francesca approach him, then tried to snake her nasty hands around his neck, clingy her anorexic body onto him. He definitely was not in a mood. He ripped her arms off his neck shoving her backwards. "I asked what are you doing in my house, not do you want to fuck."

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