Chapter 18

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--Xavier's POV--

Her dad? Her dad! Once she confessed this to me, I couldn't handle it and stormed out of the hospital room. I need to get away. I knew if I stayed, I would have started destroying the room, been kicked out of the hospital, and probably arrested because the staff would've thought I was the one, after all, to do all the damage to Treya.

I found myself waltzing into Treya's hospital room the next morning. I ended up meeting up with Dom sometime after I left here and started to put some plans into play. One of which, was to figure out where Treya lived, without her knowing. I had until tonight to take care of things, before she is released tomorrow. Except, walking into her room, I don't see her anywhere. I look at the adjoining bathroom in the room, and she's not there. I step outside her room, checking left and right down the halls, and I don't see her anywhere.

I walk over to the nurse's station and tried to remember her nurse's name before approaching the desk. Bianca? Brianna? I am so bad with names, especially women. I am standing over the desk, slightly hovered her computer monitor, waiting for her to realize I am standing here. She finally notices me, and I try to plaster on a friendly smile. "Bethany, right?" Hopefully my charm was helping me out here, as I can tell I must've gotten her name wrong.

"Becky." She was glaring at me in annoyance. "How can I help you?"

"Room 214," Fuck, what was her last name? Women and names. I think I would be better off just numbering them. But knowing my bad memory on women, I would just forget their number too. I shook my head over the thought, and I could see the frustration on Becky's face was getting worse. She was waiting for me to finish Treya's name. "Uh...the girl that was in that room, did she get taken for tests or something?"

"No, she is not due for anymore tests from now until she is discharged tomorrow. So, she should be in her room. She might be in the bathroom." She was examining her computer screen pretty intently, as if she was searching for something. She glanced up at me with a curious look on her face.

"I was just in there, and she wasn't in the bathroom. The lights were off in there and the bathroom door was open slightly. Is she allowed to go to the cafeteria, maybe?"

"Yes, but if she needed any food, she would only need to call to my station, and I could order what she needed or wanted." She scrunched her eyebrows together, studying me, and then her eyes went wide in thought. "You know, she kept pushing the idea of wanting to get out of the hospital early this morning." She got up and walked over to Treya's room and walked over to a cupboard to the far right, under the mounted TV. She opened it, and then swiftly pushed past me heading back to her desk. She picked up the phone dialing a 3-digit number, "Dr. Tavish? It's Becky. Yes, I think she left anyways." I started to panic when I heard her say that. She continued to mumble uh-huhs and yes, over the phone.

I slowly started backing up and away from the desk and heading back towards the elevator. As I was rushing out the hospital, I was trying to figure out where she would go from here. She couldn't want to go back to her home. She wouldn't be stupid enough to endure that again. I withdraw my phone from my pocket and scroll through my contacts until I land on May's name. I had swiped her number from Treya's phone when she was still unconscious, in case I needed to get anything or information about Treya. In this case, it was to find out where Treya might be, if not with May, herself.

'Hey, you know who you've reached. Leave me a message and I get atchya. Or not! Whatever.' Her phone kept going to voicemail. It was lunch time at school right now, so there would be no reason she couldn't answer her phone. I quickly shoot her a text, hoping she would at least see that or respond.

    Me: Hey, it's X. Have u seen Treya? She's no longer at the hosp.

I stared at my screen for a few minutes, but she still hadn't read the message. I climbed into my car and sat in the driver seat looking down the streets, from the parking lot, wondering where she could be. Then I heard my phone ping.

    May: Yes, I do. She said she doesn't want u to know where she is. She wants u to pretend like none of this happened n leave her alone.

I gaped at my phone for a long while. I didn't understand. I wasn't the enemy here, I wanted to help her. I should've started sharing her location with me, so I could just locate her right now. I had an idea, and hopefully my hunches are correct.

    Me: Hey! Where are u?

    Dom: N the back field. I didn't see u, so I didn't think u were here today. Dude, roll thru, Jasmine is here, n she says she is Lonely, if u know what I mean.

    Me: Have u seen Treya or her friend there?

    Dom: Actually, I'm looking at them rn. They're hiding under the bleachers.

I tossed my phone on the passenger seat, and slammed on the gas pedal, heading to school. By the time I roll up to the campus parking lot, everyone has already dispersed into their classroom for the next period. I glanced over the field, looking over all the bleachers, and see there is no one there anymore. I ambled my way into the school and walking down the halls I slowly peeped into each classroom walking by it. I wasn't sure which class was her if she even went to class. As I passed by one of the bathrooms, I heard sniffling. I stopped and listened a bit, and there was only one person in there. I took my chances and walked inside to find Treya hovered over a sink staring at herself in the mirror, crying. "Hey."

Her head snapped up and she glowered at me with irritation. "Get OUT!" She was shaking with exhaustion. She left the hospital too soon, but I didn't want to take her back there. I moved closer to her, and she mirrored my steps by taking steps of her own backwards. I reached out and grabbed her wrist and struggled to pull her close to me. She immediately started to pale, and what looked like fear, flashed over her face.

"I'm not going to hurt you, T." She studied my face and seemed to relax a little bit. When I got to the school, I was fuming with irritation on how Treya could put herself back into danger, but something about being close to her always seemed to calm me. "Just come with me. I will take you anywhere you want to go, but I don't think you should be here right now." I noticed she peeked over my shoulder towards the door and curiosity flashed through her eyes. She was going to run.

I dropped her wrist, and held my hands up in surrender, showing her, I wasn't trying to push her. She slumped in defeat and nodded her head. "Fine. Just take me home." I tensed up over the mention of her home. Why would she want to go there? I started leading her out the bathroom, and out the front doors. She wanted to go home; I would take her home then. Not for the reason she was thinking though.

I started pulling in a dirt driveway and she had me stop right at the beginning, halting me to continue on. When I didn't actually stop, she started yelling at me to stop the car. At one point she even started yanking on the passenger door handle to jump out. I did stop the car then. "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"First off, you're not even driving that fast for me to injure myself any more than I am. Second, I told you to stop way back there, and you kept ignoring me even when I was screaming and yanking on your arm." Of course, I was ignoring her. I wasn't planning on leaving her here with whomever is in that house. Looking over the house, that sits in the middle of what looks like an open field surrounded by a circle of trees leading into a forest, it screams pedophile and murder.

"Well, now that I have stopped, you can get out." As she started for the passenger door, I grabbed her other wrist and stopped her. "Grab whatever you have in there that is of importance and come right out." She looked at me with her brows furrowed in confusion. "Do you understand me?"

"No. You were supposed to be dropping me off at home. I am here, and you can go." She was looking at me in a pleading way, but I was not leaving her here under any circumstance.

"No. Knowing what I know now, you are not staying here. Grab your shit and let's go."

"Where the hell do you expect me to go? I don't fucking have money flowing out of my ass like your family, so I can't just pick up and go whenever I feel like it." She really thought I was going to just drop her off at some bus stop with nothing and nowhere to go.

"I never said I was dropping you in the middle of nowhere with your bags packed. I got you."

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