Chapter 6

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My shift at the diner was nearing the end, and I was still worked up over when X and his friend came in. I was getting extreme anxiety when Xavier was talking to me, that I had to quickly walk away and I sent Cindy out to my table. I agreed to handle the next 5 tables of hers, as long as I didn't have to go back out to my table. Thankfully she accepted.

About 15 minutes before closing, May showed up. Sometimes she would come over and pick me up to give me a ride home, so I assumed she was here for the same reason. "Did you want me to get you anything before the kitchen shuts down completely?"

"No, I'm good." She was sizing me up like she wanted to ask me something, but was afraid of what my answer would be. "Did you have any plans tonight?"

"You know I have to go home. I was late getting home last night, so my dad wasn't too happy about that." She didn't know the extent of my home life, just always thought my dad was overprotective and strict.

"Just call him and tell him you're staying with me tonight, and we are doing a Netflix and chill thing." This is how much she didn't know of my home life. Whenever I did decide to stay at her house, I pretended to call my dad and ask him if it was okay, but instead I was always calling my voicemail. I would just borrow her clothes so I didn't have to go home, and I would deal with the wrath the next night when my dad would lay into me for not coming home.

"Ugh, fine. But if he says no, there is no arguing." We both knew 'he' never actually said no. She thinks he likes her, since 'he' never says no to me asking. Even though she has never actually met my dad.

"Eeeee, great! Your dad loves me, he will say yes. We are going out tonight! There is a party going on at Jason's place." I was actually kind of looking forward to the 'Netflix and chill' bit. Now I am not sure I want to stay the night. She knows how much I don't like being around a bunch of people, and now she wants to be with people I know don't like me, in a crowded house.

After clocking out and 'calling my dad', we were in May's BMW flying down the road to her place. She was naturally a fast driver, but she said since I didn't get off until 8:30, now we barely had enough time to get ready. In my opinion, I didn't think there was much she needed to do in order to get ready, since she looked like she was always ready for a party.

As soon as we pulled up to her house, she practically yanked me out of her car and through her front door. We flew by her maid, up to her second floor, and into her bedroom. She quickly started flipping through her wardrobe of dresses before landing on two she thought were great for me. Both were very revealing.

I'm not one to show off my body, mainly because I never felt I was proportioned with my tiny frame, big boobs, and butt. The other reason is because of the marks which were very noticeable, especially today.

"The blue one or the black one?" I liked the black one, just because it looked like it would hide more of me, but my neck would be exposed, and I wasn't that into sequences. The blue one has a nice silky material that seemed to hold the side fabric up by what looked like a choker. This would be great in covering my neck. The material then drapes down over my breasts, exposing my center down to my navel and connecting into a skin tight skirt. The dress also draped down my back in the same V pattern.

May wore this red skin tight, strapless, dress that went just below her butt. The girl was already gorgeous, and she knew it, so she definitely didn't need anything more to make her stand out. But the dress fit her personality. Fun, but mysterious.

We headed back out to Jason's house for the party. I was so nervous, because I felt so naked in this dress, and I was about to walk into the lion's den like this.

We pulled up to this 3 story house that was littered with drunk bodies in the front yard, already. I was assuming they had a major pull in their neighborhood, as no one seemed to be complaining of the noise you could clearly hear a half a mile before coming up to the house. It was huge, and people were barely fitting into it. People were even parking on the lawn, there was no more room.

I don't know what his parents did, but I do know the Marizio's were well known in town. Next to May's parents, Charles and Jenny Stilo, owners of the Stilo Law Firm. The only thing anyone knew was Jason's parents were rarely home, so they threw a party almost every weekend. Sometimes during the week day too.

Walking into the house in May's blue stilettos that strapped up my calf, It felt like all eyes were on us, and it was like one of those slow mo moments you see in movies. Time just froze, and I wanted to run out of the house and never face these people again. May grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen where Jason was surrounding the keg handing people drinks. We walked up to him, and he turned towards us slowly trailing up my body, until he realized who he was looking at.

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