Chapter 10

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I made my way back downstairs to find May. I was feeling very sore and wanted to go to bed. Surprisingly I found her where I'd left her. She was still attached to Marco in the middle of the dance floor. I was getting close to her when I noticed who was right next to her and Marco. Jason, who was now making out with Jessica. It was like he was not even in the room with me, no more than 5 minutes ago.

I couldn't believe it. I figured he would've at least waited until Monday morning at school to pretend I didn't exist. I purposely bumped into him, moving him away from May so I could get closer. I grabbed May's hand and pulled her slightly. "I want to go!" I wasn't even trying to mask my anger as I slammed daggers with my eyes at Jason and Jessica.

May glanced at me, and then to a very pissed off Jessica who was calling me all sorts of names since I shoved her and Jason, but I wasn't listening. May could see the anger seeping off of me, and nodded her head, directing is off the dance floor.

I spun around and glowered at Jason, one last time, who was looking at me with confusion. "What happened to you?" Seriously! He was seriously asking me what happened to me.

"Since you're basically tongue fucking Jessica, I guess nothing happened to me. Just leave it at that!"

"See Jason, no matter what she looks like, she will always be a freak. No one wants you here, so leave." I was just about to slap Jessica for even thinking she could speak to me right now, but May spoke up.

"Shut up Jessica. You're just pissed because Jason has been looking at every other piece of ass here but yours. He's only shoving his tongue down you since no one here wants to give him the time of day but you. Learn to keep your pet on a leash, Jason!"

May grabbed my hand and we charged out the front door. I hadn't realized I had been crying when a tear fell down on top of one of my exposed boobs. Just as we stepped off the last step of the front steps, Xavier stepped in front of us. He looked at me, and I tried to hide my face, because I never wanted any of these people to see me cry. Especially if they were ever the cause of it.

I glanced at him from my side view and he was wearing an expression of...concern? Nope, it was irritation I saw now. "What happened?" What is with these Marizio boys and this question?

"Go ask your brother. I've always thought you were the asshole, but I guess a family can hold more than one ass title in a household." May laid into him like he was the one to make me cry. Xavier was fuming for some reason, as I watched him clench his jaw and fists. I know he's been called worse, so he couldn't have been that mad at May.

"My brother made you cry?" May turned to me just now realizing I was crying. I quickly wiped my face and looked at Xavier.

"It's nothing. Just pretend I wasn't here like every other day." I saw him peer to the left of my face and he slightly slumped with sadness, then swiftly replaced it with rage. He started to reach for my face and say something when I understood what he was seeing.

I ducked my head down out of his reach and started walking again with May in tow to her car. I must've accidentally wiped the makeup away from my face when clearing my tears, which would've shown my bruise.

I could tell May had been drinking when I was upstairs, so I took the keys and drove us back to her place. It was a quiet ride, aside from the music that was playing on the radio. I was glad because I didn't want to talk about the events of tonight. Maybe if I didn't talk about it, it could all be forgotten like I assumed it would be come Monday.

I carried May up to her room and dumped her into her bed. She was passed out before I even made it into her bathroom. I had planned on soaking in the tub since my lower region was sore, and I wanted to wash myself of tonight's incident. Unfortunately, that didn't come so easily.

While laying in the tub, I kept replaying the scene in my head. I thought it was all wonderful. Jason was caring in the bedroom, but as soon as I was downstairs, it was like he didn't know me. Did I do something wrong? Was I not good enough? Maybe I was supposed to offer to give him head instead of assuming he would ask for it.

I rattled my brain to the point of exhaustion. I got out of the tub and slipped on a pair of boy shorts and a tank I found in May's dresser. I crawled onto her king size bed and pushed over to get into the covers. I closed my eyes, knowing, the sooner this night ended, the sooner I could forget everything that happened.

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