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"Oh my gosh! Have you told X?" May was looking at me with excitement in her eyes.

"I only just found out this morning that I'm pregnant. I snuck the test out while he was downstairs feeding Nico. Being on the depo shot has my periods non-existent, so I have no idea how far along I am." I had been on birth control ever since Nico was born, so I hadn't had a menstrual cycle since before I conceived Nico. I had noticed that my boobs seemed to be getting more sensitive as well as fuller. It wasn't until Xavier said something one night when we were having sexy time.

I have been so overwhelmed with schoolwork and caring for Nico, I had chopped up any changes to my body as just that. I've been more fatigued along with having little appetite. It's not like my first pregnancy where I had morning sickness for days to warn me I was pregnant. So, it was a shocker when I decided to feed the nagging feeling something was off, to find out I was in fact expecting again.

"How do you think he's going to take it? He seems to be loving the 'Daddy' role, and it suits him." I'd hope he would be happy. Nico is two now, and with the 'family business' running smoother than ever, this couldn't be better timing. I think the only challenge would be college. My classes are only going to get harder.

Since being rescued and then having Nico right afterwards, there was no down time, not even for me who had just been through hell and back. I still needed to finish my schooling and graduate early, as I still wanted to continue my goals of getting into college. Thankfully I only had about four weeks left of school once Nico was born. I ended up going to one of our community colleges, so I could go to the campus when needed while still working online with my classes, that way I could focus on Nico.

Once Guts was taken down, more of the Black Smoke members came out and stated how most of them were there due to the blackmail Guts had over them to keep them in line. Some of them were even willing to pledge loyalty to the Red Devils, even as far as starting at the bottom as a prospect again. Which Viktor, or Smash as the rest of the Red Devils knew him as, took this into consideration. After some time of discussing this situation with the rest of the members, they did end up letting some of the old members of Black Smoke join on as prospects. No one mentioned what happened to Bird. Apparently, I was not privy to this information as that is 'Club business'.

Xavier was able to get everything back into working order, now that there was no one to interrupt usual business. In fact, within the first year after the whole incident, Xavier made enough money to open up a couple clubs, so that it would generate enough money to outweigh the drugs they had been dealing in. This allowed him step away from that completely, as he stated, "That is not the life I want my sone to grow into." The revenue on just the two clubs he opened up, in just the first six months, was triple on what he was bringing in with the drugs. Surprisingly, Xavier even let his brother manage one of the clubs as soon as he turned eighteen. He looked at it as a way to still uphold his status as a big brother and looking out for him.

With everything going as planned, Xavier has been getting on me with going to school, telling how I don't need to work, since he plans on taking care of me and our son. It's not a matter of me going to school to find a job, but the idea of knowing I set goals and completed them all on my own. Personal achievements. I've also had an idea of maybe going into the field of medical. After so many years of having to manage my own wounds from my father, it only felt right to go down that road.

"Honestly, with how everything has been going, I think he might be happy. I think the only bad thing that could come from this is Xavier taking this opportunity to be pushier on reasons why I shouldn't be going to school and become a stay-at-home mom now."

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