Chapter 32

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--Xavier's POV--

"I fucking love you!" The words just fell out. I didn't have time to process them or myself before I spat them at Treya. She sits there staring blankly, but with multiple emotions rolling through her head. I know, because those are the same feelings, I am processing myself. I've felt connected to her since the day I seen her when she crashed into me. Those eyes locking onto mine, stealing my insides, making me rethink everything of myself. All in one look.

I never could understand it. Every touch of each other always sent electricity jolts through my body. Always capturing my breath. I knew she always felt it too by the way she would always tear her gaze from to where our bodies would touch, then tug in a long breath once her eyes found mine again. Her presence always calmed me, even though I have been struggling to do that on my own for years with my anger issues. One look, touch, or even smile and I instantly relax.

I never even questioned myself or actions I took when I decided to walk into her dad's house, without hesitation, and plucked her from the only life she knew, to live with me. It only seemed right. I almost was lost without her close to me. I felt it the moment she stepped out of my room the first time I had her in my bed, and she gave herself to me. When she is here, with me, close to me, I am together. I don't think I realized I was incomplete before.

It's been my brother and I for so long, ever since last year when my parents decided to leave for good, I took that opportunity to advance my independence without my father. I also felt like a parent majority of the time when it came to my brother. It was hard sometimes, to draw that line between an adult and still living my teenage life. I never regretted having to look after my brother, I probably have my parents to thank for that, since it pushed me to want to step up so quick with Treya when I heard she was pregnant.

When she was in the hospital, the invisible tethered line we had between us, seemed so much stronger. So, the moment I knew there was life in her stomach, it was like the line solidified. As time went on, being with her, it was as if the line started shortening, and any amount of time away from her was an addict feigning for their next fix. I needed her. I think I even justified it several times to myself by saying 'she needed me', but I knew it wasn't the truth.

"I love you, Xavier."

I'm a goner. Paralyzed by those words. As much as I wasn't prepared to say those words to her, I certainly was not ready for them to be returned. In two long strides, I was beside her at the bed smashing my mouth over her. As fast as my heart was beating with this new revelation, I was kissing her just as much. I felt like if I stopped, it wouldn't be real, and I would just be standing in the middle of the room by myself, daydreaming. My hand tangled itself into her hair to pull her face back. Our mouths parted so I could study her face, her eyes, her flushed cheeks, her swollen lips, that sexy jaw that I can trail my finger down to her sweet spot of her neck.

She too is studying my eyes. She looking to see if she sees regret for what I said. I don't blame her for having doubts. I've never shown anyone any other side to me to believe I would be capable of loving someone. She probably has all these doubts with from her father and all the things he has drilled into her head. She needs reassurance, which I have no problem delivering to her. "I love Baby Mama." That got her to chuckle a bit. I smiled at how nice it was to hear her laugh. She had a beautiful smile. "I'm serious. I think I've known for some time, just wasn't sure how to explain it to myself. I felt it before I knew Junior in there," I pointed to her swollen baby bump. "Was mine."

"Why me? You could've had any girl in school. Hell, you probably could've had any woman in town. I wouldn't doubt some of the married women wanted you." She laughed over her own statement. "I have nothing to offer. I'm nothing but skin and bones." She looked down at herself, scoping out her body. "Well, now I'm a house. Not just any house either, with my background, I'm more like a trailer park home. Ha! My boobs aren't that great, I'm short, no ass, I don't wear makeup, and now I don't even have a job." She sat there with her hands on her hips trying to figure what was so special about her. It was simple, all the things she named were what I loved about her.

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