Chapter 13

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We had been driving a good while until Xavier finally pulled off onto this small dirt road. It barely fit his classic car, to really call it a road. You could tell vehicles have ridden down this trail, so it must have been a road at one point.

I'm not going to lie, I was a little freaked out going with the school bad boy to God knows where, and no one knows where I am or who I am with. I probably should've just got up and started walking away from Xavier back at the pond. But then again, he seemed reluctant on letting me be on my own.

After about a couple minutes of driving through some trees, we came out to a vast open clearing with a huge broken down looking barn in the middle. About a quarter mile past that was an old farmhouse. All the windows had been boarded up, so it didn't look like anyone lived there anymore.

We didn't go that far, instead, we stopped in front of the barn. I think I've heard people at school talk about a barn that people go to, to party at. It would be a perfect place to do so. In front of the barn, a guy sat slumped in a chair, staring at us as we pulled up to park. I assume he was making sure all that come are regulars and aren't going to snitch.

As soon as his gaze fell on Xavier, he seemed to relax a bit. I guess Xavier is a regular here. When we got out of the car, the guy started checking me out very lazily. I felt Xavier squeeze my hand a little tighter when he noticed the guy looking, and the guy's eyes lingered a little too long on my body, even for my comfort. Once he looked at Xavier again, he averted his eyes real fast. Xavier must be known as someone not to mess with, or mess with anyone with him.

It made me wonder how much Xavier comes here and who he has taken here, if anyone? We walked through the large barn doors and were instantly assaulted with a cloud of smoke. The smoke was a mixture of cigarettes, sweet cigars, and weed. I've never done any drugs, but with all the parties I've been to and some of my dad's buddies that come over, you tend to tell the difference between certain smells.

There were large old, tattered couches throughout the barn. The couches look like they were dragged from a dump. Some areas of the haystacks had makeshift beds. On some of these, so called beds, there were people actually having sex on them. I noticed no one seemed to be paying any attention. Passing by some tables I could see lighters, needles, pipes, alcohol bottles, ashtrays, and spoons with something on them.

Xavier pulled me up to a spot in the back corner of one of the haystacks. There were three guys spread across two couches, and a girl on one. Her head was bobbing back and forth, as if she was struggling to hold it up, which tells me she is either high or drunk. Xavier had me sit down with him on the couch that had only one of the guys on it. Xavier made sure to sit next to the guy and me next to the arm of the couch. I felt as if he was displaying some sort of possessive claim on me so the guys knew not to try anything with me.

"That's Tim and Tom. Twins of course." Xavier pointed to the two guys across from us. "Jewels..." The girl seated across from us tilted her head up towards me in acknowledgment. At least that's what I think she was trying to do. "and this here is Danny." Now pointing to the guy on his left. Danny saluted me and studied me with red, bloodshot eyes. "Everyone, this is Treya." I did one of those shy, nervous all-around waves.

"Hey, aren't you in my class?" Jewels asked me. "Yeah, yeah! It's that class with the hot teacher. I swear, if he wasn't a teacher...Mmm...I would lick him all over." Well, she didn't hide much. Talk about, penny for your thoughts.

"Math class. It's Mr. Franklin." Xavier raised an eyebrow at my response in curiosity. I don't know why he seems so surprised I would notice a good-looking guy, or maybe it was something else.

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