Chapter 34

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--Xavier's POV--

My heart dropped at the same time the phone went dead. How could I be so careless to leave her home alone. I shouldn't have been doing that anyways while she's pregnant. At the same time, I still had business I needed to handle, and I certainly couldn't bring her along, since she knew nothing of what it is I do. But when Guts answered the phone, I knew I fucked up!

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, but I needed to do something now! I glanced at my phone, rummaging through my mind on who I needed to contact first. The first person to come to mind, was honestly, the last person I thought I would call when it came to this. As the phone rang, my rage built up at each ring. "Ciao, figlio." Once his thick Italian accent reached the phone, my heart started hammering fast.

"Papà! I need to know everything you know on the prez of Black Smoke MC?" I heard him thinking as he made a low rumbling sound over the phone. My dad and Black Smoke have been rivals for years, but I know my father had some kind of agreement with the President so we could keep the peace.

"Uh..come si dice..uh, Guts, yeah?" My father continued to mumble in Italian over the fact these biker clubs run around with ridiculous names. I cleared my throat to grab his attention again. "What you want to know, mio figlio?"

"What has been your agreement to keep the peace when it comes to business? Something happened, and that agreement has been broken." I finished that last part off with clenched teeth. I was picturing Treya, stressed out while tied up God knows where.

"That agreement has not been active for some time. It was about status. I had something he wanted, so I let him dip his finger in the pie to keep calm. When he found his own.. come si chiama un, that was that. He had his territory, we ours." Sounds like he must have lost his dealer then. That would be the only reason I could think he needed to steal our merchandise.

"A few months back, small amounts of deliveries went missing at the time of drop off. We tracked it down to someone who was working alongside Guts, and meeting at a drop point, in route to deliver the goods. We eliminated the middleman, which Guts linked me to it all. We think the guy that was working for him, escaped and got back to him who I was and my connection to it all." This reminded me that we needed to find Bird to see what he knows and has said.

"So why is any of this an issue. Just talk it out with and reinstate the agreement. Everyone is happy. Comprendere?" I hadn't told my dad about Treya nor the baby yet. With the way him and mother lived, never communicating with my or my brother, I honestly never thought I would tell him. "Don't make this personale, eh!"

"It's personal Papà. Guts made it personal when he took my family from me!" I was fuming again by this point.

"Famiglia? They have your brother? Where is Jason? I told you to leave him out of this, how could you let him get invol.."

"He took MY LOVE, Pa!" I heard my father intake a deep breathe over this new bomb of information I just dropped on him. My dad of all people understood the love of a woman. My mother has always come first to him. She is his everything, I don't even think my brother and I even measure up to him in the family tree line. "She's also pregnant...with your grandson. She's been through a lot in her life and may be at risk with her pregnancy. She due in about 10 weeks."

"Elena, stiamo andando a casa." I could hear my father yelling to my mother with panic in his voice, telling her to get ready, they are coming back home. The one and only time I've heard my father this frantic, was when he thought my mom's life was in danger. "Figlio, I am sending all my men near you over to await your command. We are getting my daughter-in-law and grandson home to you. No one, and I mean NO ONE fucks with the Marizio famiglia" I didn't have time to respond before my father disconnected the call.

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