Chapter 4

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--Xavier's POV--

"In coming. Mini me at 2 o'clock." Dom says. Dominic is my best friend and had this word obsession with calling my younger brother my 'mini me'. I have no idea where he came up with this since we look nothing alike.

My, star player, of a brother is about the same height as me, muscular but more on the smaller, leaner side since he's athletic, and he has almost albino blonde hair, whereas I have dark brown with natural streaks of sandy blonde. He has Hazel eyes, more towards the golden brown, and I have green eyes.

The only reason I can think of that he refers to him as my mini me is because he is my younger brother. He knows how much it pisses me off, since I cannot stand Jason. Especially when he has Jessica following him like a lost puppy and always this look of disgust when she looks at me.

"What do you want Jason?" He looked at me with fake hurt, like I really just crumbled his world for asking.

"I can't come hang with my big bro without wanting something?"

"You can, but you don't, and I didn't invite you over. This means you only want one thing. Something from me." I already knew what he wanted. It was Friday and our parents were hardly home, so the house was free range for a party. Jason knew I could get the booze, which is why he is here.

"Party at the house and we need the liquids." He says it like it's a normal thing for me to walk into the liquor store and grab all the alcohol I want. I'm only 18.

"I already knew of your rager tonight, but I wasn't planning on going, therefore I don't think I need to bring anything."

"Unless you have something good to entice us with?" Dom had to throw that in there because he never wants to miss a party. In fact, we were planning on going to another party already. "It would need to be something good for me to turn down hot college chics at a frat party."

"Like any college girl would even think to look your way more than once." Jessica chimed in with her snooty comment. There was no denying Jessica hated me and Dom, but never understood why. It could be that time when me and Dom both fucked her sister our freshmen year when her sister, Giselle, was a senior. That wasn't the bad part, some senior football players barged in and started taking pics of the whole scene while Dom and I were so drunk we just sat there laughing. Needless to say, those photos were all over social media the next day.

As much as Jessica looks at us as pigs, you can see the sex in her eyes too. Dom and I are built more like bodybuilders, so we're bulkier than Jason. That happened when we got teased for being scrawny in 7th grade. Started lifting weights ever since. I've heard girls say we look like walking fuck machines. Whatever that is, it makes the girls happy.

"Hey! Did you hear me, Xavier?" I stopped listening when I noticed that girl again with her cheerleader friend, May. I only knew her name for the same reason I knew all the cheerleaders, I'd pretty much fucked them all. Except May, she never cliqued up with the group, just danced with them. She had that one friend she was always with...Tris? I had a class with her at the end, but was never paying attention to who she was.

I couldn't get her out of my head when she was watching me get head from Francesca. The way she was locked onto my eyes, turned me on, as if she was the one blowing me. I could see her soft thick plump lips part slightly when I finally looked at her, she seemed like she was getting turned on by the scene. It made me harder and instantly wanted to blow my load. I started pumping faster into Francesca's mouth and before I knew it, unleashed into her throat. I didn't stop until I disconnected my eyes from that girl.

I turned to Jason who was waiting for me to respond. And he caught the trail of my gaze and back to me. "Are you staring at May? I know it's not that weirdo, Treya!" Treya, that was her name.

"Neither, I was thinking about the BJ I got earlier and was wondering if Jessica here would want to help me remember it?" Jason looked at her questioningly, as did Dom. She scowled at me and spun on her heels to stomp away.

"Now that she's gone, I was asking Dom and you if you would kindly supply the liquor for any chic you want? I will guarantee that chic in bed with you tonight." I didn't need his help getting any girl, since they pretty much already have been in my bed or want to be. But at the same time, I agreed since I really wasn't feeling like going out tonight, so staying home and partying was killing two birds with one stone.

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