Chapter 8

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--Xavier's POV--

I'd been hanging in the back of the living room most the night. I also had a perfect view of Treya dancing all night with her friend. Then I saw my brother move in, and started rubbing all over her. He looked like a fucking dog in heat rubbing his scent all over her. You could tell he was wasted by his movements.

I saw him lean into her telling her something. She looked at him like she was thinking of an answer to give him. Apparently she decided as she nodded slowly and a smile appeared on her face while biting her bottom lip. You can tell she seemed nervous with him, but could also see the cry for freedom.

She started for the stairs and I was wondering what she was looking for, as everything anyone needed was on the first floor. I glanced back at Jason and I saw him watching her, which I assumed she was going with Jason to the room. He always sends the girls ahead while he gets more drunk and finds his way to his room. Apparently he couldn't stand doing what he did sober. It was also his escape excuse...'I was so drunk, I don't even remember.'

I wasn't going to sit around while Treya subjected herself to my brother like all the other sluts in the school. When I looked back up at her again, I noticed she turned left at the top of the stairs, and Jason's room was on the right. She slowed down in front of my room and was starting to head into it. I never locked my door before, since everyone knew not to go past the first floor unless it was one of my brother's bed mates.

When she went into my room, I decided to head up and get her out of there. When I got to my bedroom door, I had every intention of throwing her out and directing her to my brother's room, but once to my door, I had other thoughts. I wasn't blind, that dress she was wearing had me on edge all night. I slowly opened my door, and I saw she had the lights off. She must be one of those girls who feel self conscious of themselves.

I couldn't see why, since in that dress you could see she had a fucking banging body, and my dick got harder thinking about touching it now. It was dark enough in my room that you couldn't make out our features that well, but light enough I could see she wasn't facing the door. I closed the door and she turned her head slightly. "Jason, I just need to know Jessica is not going to retaliate on me?"

She thought she was really in my brother's room. That irritated me some to know she was hoping for my brother. I moved over to her and slowly slid my hands in the side slits of her dress just under her arms. The touch of her skin was so warm, and I could feel she was quivering under my fingers. She let out a soft gasp when I slid over her stomach, and she leaned her head back on my shoulder. I kissed along her shoulder while sliding my hand further down. When I passed her navel she let out a slight moan, "Jason? Please, I need to know."

"Mhmm." I didn't know how she would respond to me instead of my brother, so I didn't really want to speak. I slowly moved my lips over her neck and her jaw. When I landed my lips onto hers, I slid my fingers along her wet folds of her pussy. She moaned into my mouth, which allowed me access to slide my tongue into her mouth and devoure her sweet taste.

I found the sensitive bud with a flick of my finger, and she instantly arched her back into me more and left my mouth in a gasping pant. I pulled my hand away and it was replaced with a groan from her, which I assumed was from the loss of my hand. I turned her around and squeezed her into me and smashed my lips on hers again. She was clenching my shirt as if she wasn't sure what to do with her hands and couldn't get me close enough.

I started to back her up towards my bed until she bumped into it. She quickly sat down, but I couldn't see her face to know what she was thinking. Thankfully she didn't leave me guessing. I was about to lean down to her.."I've never done any of this before." What did she just say? She had to be kidding, I saw the hickies on her neck. So she must've done some of this.

"What do you mean you've never done this?" I asked in a hushed tone in hopes she didn't notice I wasn't Jason.

"I've never done ANY of this. As in anything sex related." She said that last part so quietly I almost missed it. This girl was a virgin in more ways than one. I grinned at that thought, that I was the first one to touch her body. I was going to ruin her for others. Mine!

I kissed her on her lips, pushing down in a laying position. I started down her chest, in the middle of the opening of her dress, and stopped just above her panties, which also happened to be the beginning of the bottom half of the dress. She was shaking under me, and I slowly lifted her dress up and pulled down her panties. I glided my tongue on the inside of her thighs, while spreading her legs, and she writhed under me. When I scooted her dress up further, she sucked in air to the sudden exposure to the warmth of my breath just before I plunged my tongue into her wet pussy.

She automatically tightened her legs around my head, so I grabbed them with my hands and fully spread her open to me. I continued to twirl my tongue around her clit, loving the way she tasted. I decided to test the waters by sliding one finger in her, and she bucked on my face while moaning in pleasure.

She squeezed my finger with her pussy and I could tell she was a virgin just on how tight she was with only one finger. I worked her a bit longer until she was to the edge and was going to orgasm. Just before she came, I stuck another finger and hooked them upwards, and that sent her over. She screamed out in pleasure, riding my face and fingers.

When she was done, I moved up her pulling the dress off in one swoop. She nervously pulled my shirt off and started fumbling with my pants buckle and zipper. I grabbed her hands and moved them above her head and kissed just between her neck and shoulder, leaning towards her ear. "Mmm, you taste good." I felt her clench her legs the best she could. I stood up and pulled down my pants while grabbing a condom.

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