Chapter 16

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--Xavier's POV--

I rolling through my texts from some of my contacts, while Dom was talking to me about some chic he just banged the other night. I had the skank of the day hanging all over me and kept knocking my arm as I was trying to text and it was starting to irritate the fuck out of me. I feel a nudge on my right side from Dom trying to get my attention.

"Isn't that your girl?"

I looked up and over in the direction he was looking at the end of the hallway. Treya was hunched over by the lockers and looking very pale as if she was going to be sick. Even from here, I could see she was sweating and panting pretty hard.

I started to push off from the wall, when she pushed off the lockers and ran past the hallway. As I tried to follow her, I was pulled back. Michelle, or Michaela, I honestly didn't give a shit what her name was, since she was irritating me in the first place, and now she is stopping me from leaving. She had this pathetic attempt of a pouty face looking at me.

"Where are you going baby? I thought you wanted to go to the library with me? That freak can't do for you, like I can do for you." Skanky Ms. Skankerson said the wrong thing just now.

"Fuck off! You want dick so bad; I think I saw Phony Phillip down the hall, that way. You seem desperate enough." I shrugged her off and started down the hall towards where I saw Treya. "Oh ya, you call T that again, and I will make sure no one comes a mile within your direction for the rest of the time you at this school."

I got the end of the hallway and looked left but didn't see her anywhere. I looked again and notice the girl's bathroom, which would make sense if she was feeling sick. I pushed open the bathroom door and listened in to make sure there wasn't anyone else in there. I heard some whimpering, but no other noises to let me know if other girls were in there. I slid in and locked the door behind me. I didn't have to scope out the stalls to know which one she was in. The second stall in and I could see her feet laying the floor.

I pushed open the stall door and was not expecting what I saw. Treya was sprawled out on the bathroom floor curled around the toilet with vomit strewn over the toilet seat, and blood between her legs. She seemed like she was passed out, so I quickly hovered over her and lifting her head up. I shook her a little bit saying her name to hopefully wake her up. Her eyes started to flutter open, and I could see the blue in her eyes were no more than almost a dull grey.

I moved her more into a sitting position, and she groaned in pain. "Treya. I need to know what hurts?" She wasn't making much sense, just seemed garbled. "Treya. What happened? You're bleeding." I noticed a slight bruise on her temple, and with her vomiting, she could have a concussion. I went to move her some more to lift her up, since she still was not responding to me, she cried out in pain, when my arm went out her waist. I stopped and lift her shirt some more, and sure enough, she was covered in bruises and cuts. As I continued to lift her, I think the pain became too much and she fainted.

I got to my car in the parking lot before the bell could ring, signaling the end of the class session that was going on. This also meant I wouldn't be stopped for carrying out a girl and be questioned for leaving campus. I slid Treya in the back seat and walked around the car, getting in the driver's side and starting the car up. I peeled out of the parking lot, and straight to the hospital.

I carried Treya into the ER entrance, demanding someone grab me a bed to lay her on. Two nurses ran around the reception desk assessing Treya while she was in my arms, and one of them yelled over her shoulder to an onsite guard to grab a gurney now. Within in seconds, a male nurse rushed out through some double doors with the gurney and helped me to lay Treya on it. Next thing you know, I am being shoved back and asked to wait in the waiting room, since I was not family and could not go with her.

Two hours had gone, which felt like a whole half a day, before someone came out and called my name. "Are you Xavier?"


This doctor pulled me off to the side of the waiting room, away from other people, so they would not hear our conversation. He starts flipping pages on his clipboard as he starts to talk to me. "She's stable. She's banged up pretty bad, and she was going in out of consciousness, and not making a whole lot of sense. We ended up giving her a sedative to let her rest completely. In one of the times she woke, she was mumbling your name and something about 'he was my only family.' I was assuming you are the 'he' she was referring to?" I wasn't going to correct his assumption, because I knew that meant he wouldn't tell me anything. So, I just nodded as he continued.

"Why don't you follow me to her room, and we can talk more privately then." We walked down several corridors and finally stopped at a dark room, with the door slightly ajar. We walked in and the doctor shut the door behind him. "To start off, I am Dr. Tavish, and I will be treating her while she is here. I honestly don't know where to begin in the extent of all her injuries. The poor girl has been through a lot, and it does not seem like this is the first time. Some of these injuries have already started to heal, probably about a week old or so." I felt sick when he told me how long she seemed to be enduring this, but I had a feeling, a week was not even the beginning.

The doctor was reviewing a chart that had an image of a body with all sorts of markings, I am guessing were her injuries and their locations. "Let's start at the top. She has scalp contusions and bruises all along the hair line. This is where the concussion comes from. She has healing hand bruises on her neck, and her trachea is damaged. The back of her throat is inflamed, and her uvula is swollen. This will make it very hard for her to swallow for a while, so we had to insert a feeding tube." I looked over at that moment and noticed she did, in fact, have a tube hanging from her mouth. I felt like my own breathing was being cut off seeing her like this.

The doctor continued to glide over the picture traveling down the body. "Her clavicle is fractured, and she has three broken ribs, along with two ribs that have healed incorrectly. Those will eventually need to be surgically fixed, or it could cause her problems down the line." I glanced over the sheet as his finger scrolled further down the body image and I noticed a few marks around her groin area. "In cases like this, we always do rape tests, and she has several variations of vaginal tearing and lesions. This would indicate that intercourse was not consensual." My vision immediately went red. My fists were clenching so tight, I felt like they would burst from all the pressure. The doctor continued talking, but I was having trouble hearing him. I watching his lips move, but no sound. I froze when I thought I saw something he said.

"Doc. What did you say?"

"Part of the rape kit involves a pregnancy test, and she is pregnant. After doing an ultrasound, we confirmed she is about 11 weeks along. We would be able to confirm that if we knew her last menstrual cycle, but for now, based on the baby's size, she is 11, close to 12 weeks. Thankfully, the baby is doing okay, and the bleeding was a false miscarriage. Basically, telling her she is doing too much. This could also be a result of malnutrition. Treya is severely underweight, even with the morning sickness. To be honest, any more trauma to stomach will end in a natural pregnancy termination. Moving on to her other inj..."

I couldn't hear anymore. I stopped listening after the baby information. She was pregnant, and someone is continuously breaking her. She was repeatedly being raped, and not saying a word. My blood was boiling over this fact. I stared at her while the doctor strolled through the rest of her injuries, right down to a broken toe, while I mentally wandered through questions. 'Does she know the person?' 'Is it just one person?' 'Does she know who the father is?' 'Does she even know she's pregnant?' I had to put a stop to this.

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