Chapter 19

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I slowly climbed out of the car and made my way to the front door. Today was Friday, which meant dad would be over at Eddy's. Very rarely did he ever leave the house, but on Friday's, he would always meet up with Eddy at his house. I never knew what they did there, but this gave me the perfect opportunity to run upstairs and grab everything I would need. I didn't know how long I would be gone, or where Xavier was taking me, so I figured I should grab as much as I could.

Once in the front door, I peered around the wall into the living room, and as expected, no one was there. I let out a heavy breath I didn't realize I was holding in. I quickly made it to my room and shut the door behind me. As soon as I moved my hand off the doorknob and moved over towards my closet, I was pulled backwards by my waist and slamming into a hard chest. I let out a quick scream, and just as fast a hand came over and covered my mouth. The hand smelled nasty and felt callused against my face. "Well back, little mama. I was wondering when you were coming home."

His hot, sickly smelling breath brushed against my cheek as he spoke. He smelled like cigarettes and cheap whiskey. He always smelled like that, and I always felt revolted. I knew not to throw up, or the consequences would only be worse. He was panting heavily, and his free hand, that was wrapped around my waist, started to slowly moving across my stomach and his fingers were playing with the top of my skirt. His would occasionally dip into my skirt slightly, as he dragged the back of his hand across my skin. The tears started stinging my eyes, but I wasn't going to cry.

"Now tell Uncle Wade, why there is a boy sitting outside the house? You know unwanted guest are not something we like here." I didn't know what to say. He wasn't supposed to be here. His truck wasn't outside, which means Xavier thinks I am alone right now. "I'm going to remove my hand, and you are going to go outside and tell him to leave. Do you understand me?" I nodded my head with hand still over my mouth. He removed his hand from my mouth and used to move my head to face him, which he then smashed his mouth onto mine, and sloppily tried to pry my mouth open with his tongue. I was going to throw up any minute if he didn't stop soon.

He let go of me completely and shoved me to my bedroom door. I looked at him and can see he was drunk, which meant I needed to figure out how to get rid of Xavier, or it was going to get ugly. "Where is dad?" He looked at me with a menacing smile plastered on his face.

"Oh, don't worry baby girl, he is downstairs waiting in the Livingroom with Daryl by now. They just know I am a little gentler with you and could get you to cooperate. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your little boy toy outside, would you?" I shook my head rapidly. "That's a good girl." He licked his lips with his eyes glazed over from the alcohol and grazed over my body while rubbing himself. He licked his thumb and pushed into my mouth, slowly rolling over my tongue. It was like having a car exhaust pipe shoved into my mouth. "Now hurry on back, my dick has been waiting for those sweet, wet lips of yours, for two days too long."

My whole body was trembling copiously, and I didn't know how I was going to handle this situation. I sluggishly stepped down the stairs to the front door, sliding along the wall, trying to figure out how this was going to play out with Xavier. Before I reached the last step, my dad was right there and fisting my hair, pulling me down the rest of the way. He had my head held at an angle, so I was crouched looking up at him. His teeth were bared to me while growling in anger and started to lift his other hand as if to slap me. Before the impact, I heard Daryl yell from the living room. "What the fuck are you doing? She has to play like everything is cool here when going out to her little boyfriend. That won't be fucking convincing if she has a massive handprint across her face."

Daryl moved past the front door towards my dad and I, and at that exact moment, Xavier came barging in and barreling into Daryl. As soon as Daryl was on the ground, Xavier lifted slight and slammed his fist into his face. Before Xavier could get up completely, my dad had let go of me and started charging at Xavier. My dad had tackled Xavier to the ground and was about to get a swing on him, when in came Dom running in, and knocked my dad off of Xavier. Xavier got up and stomped over to my dad and kicked him right in the face, causing my dad to spray blood from his mouth across the walls.

I went to stand and walk over to Xavier and Dom, when my head was snapped back by a fist grabbing my hair. I let out a loud screech from the instant pain I received from the tug of my hair. I had forgotten about Wade, who was waiting for me in my room. He pulled me back and held my throat, tightening his grip when he noticed Xavier and Dom started to advance on him. "Stop where you are! Move any closer, and I could snap her neck." Xavier was staring at me and assessing me in this situation. I was staring at his eyes, which almost seemed to be telling me something, I just couldn't figure it out. "Better yet, go ahead and move..." out the corner of my eye, I saw something silver pull from his pocket. "I can just help end this baby's life before it has to endure true misery." He glided a knife over my shirt and across my stomach. I looked over at Xavier again with fear painted all over me.

Something clicked in my mind, and I may have actually figured out what Xavier was trying to hint at. Next thing I knew, I was swinging my arm backwards, and slamming my elbow into Wade's dick. Thankfully he was standing a step above me, giving me the perfect position to hit him where it was going to count. He doubled over dropping the knife to the floor, and yelling gargled cuss words at me, as I swiftly moved away from him, hurdling myself into Xavier's arms. Dom ran over and swiped up the knife, pointing it at Wade, directing him to move over to my dad and Daryl, who now laid lifeless on the floor of the hallway. I guess the kick and punch they received was enough to knock them unconscious.

"What do you still need?" Xavier was asking me as he was trying to lead us out the front door.

"I really just need to grab one thing from my room. I didn't get to pack, but I can figure it out later."

"Be quick. We need to get out of here fast." I glanced at the men who have tortured me, for what feels like, was my whole life, just before I ran upstairs. I took the steps two at a time, and pushed through my bedroom door, walking over to the corner of my bed. I nudged my bed over slightly, as I always had one of the bed legs on top of the floorboard that I had everything important to me, hiding in. I lifted the board and reached in the darkness that was my life. I felt for the cigar box and pulled it out. I quickly looked through it to make sure everything was still there. I knew my dad didn't know about it, but I could never be too sure. The box content consisted of a wad of cash I had been saving form working at the diner, an old magazine clipping my dad gave me of a woman, when I asked him what my mom looked like when I was little, a broken medallion that used to be hers, and a map that I had marked up to all the places I would go to once I was able to leave this place. I shut the box and walked to my bed side grabbing my charger and reaching into the drawer pulling out the only thing that shows my existence, my birth certificate.

I shoved everything into my backpack and ran back downstairs. Xavier and Dom were talking about something when I came down and not once taking their eyes off Wade. They instantly stopped talking once I reached the bottom of the stairs. Xavier looked over to me and seen just my backpack in my hands and nodded just before heading outside. Xavier turned back around and narrowed his eyes at Wade. "When that fucker wakes up..." He was pointing to my dad. "Let him know that if he, or either of you other fuckers contact Treya in any way shape or form, I will come for you. Do know, that if I do come for you, no one will ever know you ever existed to begin with. I'm pretty sure, you would not be missed. Am. I. Fucking. Clear?" Wade nodded with some resistance.

Xavier and I climbed into his car, and Dom ran over to his SUV. As we started driving away, I looked back in the side mirror, watching my old life being left behind where it belonged. I was scared, as I had no idea where I would go, and how I would make it, since I knew what I had on me, money wise, would only last for so long. But any struggled life would be better than the one behind us.

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