Chapter 24

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--Xavier's POV--

Fuck. FUCK!

It can't be. Those conception dates were around the party that we had sex. The party was on the 10th, so, she could've had sex with someone else on the 11th or the 12th. I can't assume. Shit. The condom had fallen off sometime during, or it could've been right after, as I was pulling out. Maybe nothing came from that. I have to ask, of course I wouldn't even know how to begin with that kind of question. 'So, who is the baby daddy?' Ha! She would think I was thinking she was ho. I've got to stop overthinking this.

Ever since the appointment, I have been distant, and I know she's been noticing. I just don't know how I can be around her without wanting to blurt out the question. We don't talk when I drive her to school, I haven't been by her side during school anymore, in fact, a few times I have asked May to drive her home, so I wouldn't have to. She knows I'm avoiding her, and I am thankful she's not being pushy about it. Of course, I think she likes her privacy too, so it works out to my advantage.

It's been about 2 weeks now and it's Friday again. This means Jason is definitely having a party tonight, and normally Treya and I had a routine to stay in my room and watch movies or TV shows until we passed out. The last 2 Fridays, however, have been me hiding in my room, and her and her room. Last Friday, I caught her venturing out of the room, and some dunk spotted her and decided to get handsy. Thankfully, I was on my way to the kitchen to grab some snacks and slices of the pizza that was for the party, and her squeal from a dark corner. I didn't know it was her, and thought some girl was being harassed, and didn't want some lawsuits go on from our house parties, so went to break it up when I noticed Treya curled up in a ball while the guy was pulling on her shirt.

Needless to say, the guy was not going to have just a hangover from the alcohol. The thought of someone all over Treya had me seeing fucking red. I stormed over to the scene and slammed my foot into the side of the guy's face, at the same time he was turning his head towards me. He fell to the floor on the side of Treya, and his fist was still balled around her shirt, dragging it with him. That only added to my rage when I seen her tiny baby bump come into view, thinking this motherfucker was touching my baby! Who the fuck does he think he is, that he thought it was okay to touch what was mine.

I already knew Dom was here, as he had been texting me all night about some pussy he had been drooling over. I yelled over my shoulder towards the majority of the party goers, 'DOMINIC!', so he could get Treya back upstairs. Someone grabbed him for me, and he grabbed her by the arms, helping her upstairs and out of sight, and once I couldn't see her, I didn't hold back. The guy was still groaning on the ground hold his bleeding nose when I grabbed his shirt and connected my fist to his face. I kept waling on him, as every gross image of him all over Treya kept playing on repeat in my head.

Someone was finally brave enough to pull me off a now unconscious perverted fuck, and everything came crashing down. I started looking from one person to another, as everyone from the party had gathered around me to see what was going on. I had also noticed that the music stopped. Some drunk blonde came stumbling towards me and rubbing all over me talking about how hot I was for the fight. How I was turning her on and she wanted to go upstairs. Upstairs is where I needed to be, but not with this skank. I shrugged her off and told her to get fucking lost. She wasn't too happy about that, but the only girl I was worried about was about 10 feet next-door to my room.

I pushed through everyone and rushed up to her room. Her door was shut, and Dom was leaning again the wall next to the door making out with some skimpy brunette. I assume that's the pussy he was referring to all night. I got close to her door and cleared my throat to grab Dom's attention. He slowly turned his head towards me with a smug look on his face. "Oh hey X. Do you know sexy Cam here? She's a gymnast." He bounced his eyebrows at me with a shit eating grin on his face. I shook my head smiling while trying to open Treya's door. "Uh..yeah, she locked it. She's also ignoring me, which means she may ignore you too bro. Good luck." He slapped my shoulder as walked off with Cam.

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