Chapter 27

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--Xavier's POV--

Ever since my meeting with Knuckles at the club house, he has fucking been MIA. We were supposed to be setting up shit on tails for Bird, and now it's been almost 3 weeks with each delivery missing more and more. I'm going to fucking kill this fuckwad when I see him. Funny how I didn't have to wait much longer. Treya and I Got home from her appointment. We're having a boy. I shake my head over the thought. She..she's have a boy. I need to find out, because I just have this gut feeling about this baby.

Treya ran inside with the biggest smile on her face. I don't think I've ever seen her smile. It was sexy. Fuck! I need to get laid and blow off some steam. I normally would have taken one of my regulars to the library during lunch, but I've been stuck to Treya, worried that something will happen to her. I am not going to push it, but I noticed the small split lip she was sporting to the doctor's office. I know for a fact it was not there this morning.

Jason is at soccer practice, now that football is over for the season, so I think I can trust that Treya can be okay for a couple hours. I can run to the club house and hopefully kill two birds, find Knuckles and get one of the groupies to suck me off. I hadn't quite closed the front door when I was getting ready to send a text to Treya about stepping out for a bit, and who should walk up my front steps. I didn't notice him pulling in since he wasn't riding his bike.

I leaned against the doorjamb as he approached me. "Where the fuck have you been? You're going to fucking owe me big. What happened to the fucking tails we needed for Bird?" His jaw started clenching and he was checking around the yard as if someone might have been following him. "Knuckles!" I had to yell to get his damn attention.

He snapped his head towards me. "Tell me everything you know about Treya. Particularly, where she is? Don't tell me you don't know, because I paid a visit to her dad, who said he hasn't seen her since two punk kids came in and attacked him and his buddies, then left with her." Who the fuck does he think he is coming in house my, my territory, and question me about Treya.

"Watch your tone. Remember who you're talking to. I own your ass along with you fucking MC. You don't need to worry about her. She's fine." He slowly lifted his head up to meet my eyes and slid on a smug smile. He threw up his hands in surrender, and slowly took a step back. Of course, right at the perfect timing, Treya is spotted peeking from behind me.

"Malcom?" He soft voice questioned. Knuckles'...or Malcom?... face drops and he barges right through me, picking up Treya and swinging her around. He buries his face into her neck, inhaling her in, like he was just finding himself. He starts apologizing for not being there for her with her dad. What the fuck was much more important than taking her away from that pedophile. I hardly knew her and still did it in a heartbeat. That thought alone sets me off when I hear him call her 'baby girl', as if it was casual nickname. I lost it when he pretty much insinuated, he was going to be taking her away. She's not going anywhere.

"She can't go. Treya, I need to talk to you about something first. Why don't you go upstairs to our room and wait for me." I made sure to emphasize that we share a room, hopefully he won't get any more ideas. She stood there glowering at me, not making a move to go upstairs. "Go!" She looked at Knuckles one last time and stomped up the steps. I knew I was going to get hell for the way I was treating her, but I was not about to let her out of my sight, especially with the VP of an MC who I still can't figure out how he is connected to Treya.

"Since you have things to discuss with Treya, I will just head out then." He was acting sneaky and being MIA for so long, I don't trust him. I did not like how he was looking at Treya.

"You knew she was living like that? You knew they were doing those things to her? You just fucking left her! You know I found her almost dead on a bathroom floor. No one would have paid her any attention, since no one can pull their heads out of their asses and see it's visible." I was fuming by this point. My fists were pumping, and my jaw was clenched so tight my teeth felt like they would crack.

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