2. He is my soon-to-be-husband!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wake up and strech my arms. I steps out of the bed and goes in bathroom. I takes a shower and wear bathrobe and comes out. I walk towards wardrobe and takes out a dress and wear it. I did my make up and goes downstairs. I eat my breakfast and goes to college. I reach there and goes inside. I goes to jannat.

Avneet - Hey.

I hugs her, she also hugs me back and said - Hi.

We breaks the hug.

Jannat - Well, I am having a lecture, I will see you later.
Avneet - Okay!

Jannat goes from there. I also goes to attend my lecture.

2 hours later

I goes in canteen and sees Fab 5 sitting there. I goes to them and sits there.

Avneet - Hey guys.
All - Hi.
Anushka - Well, avu we are going to club tonight.
Riyaz - And we hope you are in.
Siddharth - Yes!
Avneet - Umm...
Jannat - Come on avu you have to come.
Avneet - Ok, fine, I am in.
Faisu - That's great.

We talked for few minutes then I said - "I am having lecture, I will see you guys later".

All - Okay!

I goes to attend my lecture.

Skips to afternoon
After college hours

I comes out of the college and sees siddharth standing with his car, leaning against the car's door. I ignored him and started walking on road. I was walking then someone hold my wrist and stopped me. I turn and sees siddharth. God! Not again.

Avneet - What?
Siddharth - Talk to me nicely.
Avneet - Why?
Siddharth - Becoz I am asking.
Avneet - And why would I listen you?
Siddharth - Ugh! You are really stubborn...Come let's go.
Avneet - Where?
Siddharth - Your home, I will drop you home.
Avneet - No need for it.
Siddharth - Ugh! You are really stubborn.

He picked me up and throw me over his shoulder and started walking towards his car. I was punching his back but it didn't hurt him at all.

Avneet - Siddharth leave me.

He reached at his car, he opened the door and made me sit on passenger seat and close the door. He himself sits on driver seat.

Avneet - What the hell? What's this behavior? You can't pick me up like this.
Siddharth - Uff! You speaks too much.

He started driving the car. We reached my home in few minutes. Journey was silent.

Siddharth - Bye.
Avneet - Bye.

I comes out of the car and goes inside my home.

Skips to night

I goes in bathroom and takes a shower, I wear bathrobe and comes out of the bathroom. I opens wardrobe and choose a dress. I wears it and did my make up and hair. I gets ready in an hour. I am sitting on bed using my phone then I heard a sound of blowing horn. I goes in her balcony and sees Fab 5. I goes downstairs.

Avneet - Dad I am going.
Amandeep - Ok princess. Bye.
Avneet - Bye dad.

I walks out of home and sees them waiting for me. I goes towards them.

Avneet - Hey guys.
All - Hi.

Jannat - I and faisu are coming in 1 car, and anushka and riyaz are coming in one so...
Siddharth - So you have to come with me.
Avneet - What? No!!
Siddharth - But you have to.
Avneet - But...
Jannat - Avu pls.
Avneet - Ugh..fine.

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