18. Sid was right

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Currently siddharth's P.O.V is going on.

He said as he keep his hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away and said - Just stay away from her!

Vishal rolled his eyes and said - Fine, I will see.

After saying this he goes from there.

I don't know why but I am not getting good vibes from this guy. I have to make sure avu stay away from him. I push my thoughts away and goes to attend my lecture.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to night

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

Right now I am in kitchen cooking dinner. I was busy in cooking then I felt two arms wrapped around my waist. I was about to shout but then I recognize the touch.

Avneet - Sid, I am busy right now, don't disturb me.
Siddharth - Come on, love, I am romancing with my sexy wife right now.

He hold my hand and make me turn towards him. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. I rested my hands on his chest. We are looking into each other's eyes then siddharth started moving towards my lips, I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. Our lips were about to met but we were disturbed by a voice.

Vaishnavi - Sorry!

We look at the direction, we saw bhabhi standing. She keep her hand on her eyes. I quickly push siddharth away.

Avneet - Umm..bhabhi...
Vaishnavi - Can I remove my hand from my eyes?
Siddharth - Uh..yeah!

She remove her hand from her eyes and look at us.

Vaishnavi - Guys go and do all this stuff in your bedroom not in kitchen. What if mom or dad will see you like this?
Avneet - Umm.. bhabhi..actually...dinner is ready, let's serve it.
Vaishnavi - I know you are changing the topic but still..let it be.
Siddharth - Uh..I think I should go.

After saying this he goes from there. I and bhabhi takes the food and serves it. We all eats it and goes in our respective rooms.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

In sidneet room

Avneet - First I am going to change clothes.
Siddharth - Okay!

Avneet takes her clothes and goes in bathroom and change her clothes and comes out. Then siddharth goes inside and change his clothes. He comes out and saw avneet sitting on bed using her phone. There was no pillow wall.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Thank god she didn't made pillow wall. I really hate when she used to made pillow wall.

P.O.V ends.

He walk towards her and sits on bed. She looks at him and keep her phone aside and said - Let's sleep.

Siddharth - Ya sure.

They laid down on bed and both close their eyes and tried to sleep.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I really wanna take her in my arms and wanna cuddle with her but I can't. I wish I could sleep with her in my arms.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet's P.O.V

I wish I could be in sid's arms...Hey! Wait, what are you thinking avu? This marriage is just a deal, you can't fall for him.

P.O.V ends.

Both slept thinking about each other.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wakes up and sees siddharth's arms wrapped around her waist tightly. She look at him, he is looking so cute. She kissed his forehead and tries to remove his hands from her waist, in a minute or two he wakes up.

Siddharth - Good morning, sunshine. (he said in a husky voice)

Avneet's P.O.V

Uff his morning voice!

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Uh..Good morning, sid..Now remove your hands from my waist, I need to take shower.
Siddharth - Stay a bit longer.
Avneet - Pls, sid, I need to get up.
Siddharth - Fine.

He left her and she gets up from the bed and steps out of the bed.

Avneet - First I will take shower.
Siddharth - No, first I will take shower.

Avneet rolled her eyes and said - Fine.

Siddharth goes in bathroom and takes shower and wrap towel around his waist and comes out of the bathroom. Avneet's eyes fell on him, she look at him from head to toe. He is looking super hot. She started drooling over him. Siddharth notice it and smirk at her.

He walk towards her and keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer.

Siddharth - Liking what you see 😉?

Avneet comes out from her la la land.

Avneet - Umm..voh..

She look down due to embarrassment. Her cheeks become red. He keep his finger under her chin and made her look at him in his eyes.

Siddharth - You look super cute while blushing 😉.

Avneet blush more. She pushed him and takes her clothes and runs in bathroom. She takes shower and wear her clothes and comes out and sees siddharth fully dressed. Avneet goes downstairs, she goes in kitchen and sees vaishnavi.

Avneet - Good morning, bhabhi.
Vaishnavi - Good morning, avu.
Avneet - Let's make breakfast.
Vaishnavi - I have already made it.
Avneet - Ok, then let's serve this.

They takes breakfast to dining table. Soon everyone started coming. They started serving breakfast and sits with them and started eating. After their breakfast all left for their work.

2 hours later

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I was passing from library then someone hold my hand and pull me inside the library. I was about to scream but then I saw vishal.

Avneet - Vishal, what the hell is this?! How dare you to pull me inside like this?!
Vishal - Come on, sweetie, stop fighting.

He hold my hand and pinned me against the wall.

Vishal - We can do alot of more things except fighting.
Avneet - Vishal, leave my hand.

I said as I tried to push him away but he is stronger than me.

Vishal - Stop fighting, love.
Avneet - Vishal, leave me.
Vishal - Not so easily.

I was about to shout but he capture my lips with his, my eyes are wide opened. A tear fall from my eyes. He started kissing me forcefully. I was trying to push him away but he didn't move a bit. After a minute he pulled away and make his way towards my neck.

He whisper against my skin - Don't even dare to tell your husband about this.

He then attack my neck, he started biting and sucking my neck. Tears are rolling down from my eyes. After gaining lot of courage I push him away hardly and run from there.

Sid was right, he is not a good guy. I run into washroom and broke down there. I started crying, after few minutes I gets up and wash my face. Then I noticed something on my neck, it's a hickey that vishal gave me. A tear fall from my eyes, I wipe it.

Should I tell sid about this?..He punched and kicked that guy multiple times just becoz he proposed me. If he will get to know about this then he will break each and every bone vishal have in his body. And I don't want him to fight becoz of me..I should not tell sid about this.


To be continued.

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