7. Paris

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Currently siddharth's P.O.V is going on.

We talk for sometime then avu made the pillow wall and we slept.

Skips to next day
In evening

I and avu bid bye to everyone and we goes to airport. Our flight came and we sits and reach Paris in few hours. We land in Paris at 8 in night. We take our luggage and goes to hotel. They reach there.

Siddharth - You stay here, I will get the room's key.
Avneet - Okay!

I goes to reception for to take room keys.

Siddharth - I have booked a room for Mr. & Mrs. Nigam.
Receptionist - Yes sir, let me check.

She checked and handed me over the keys and said - "Enjoy your honeymoon, sir".

Then someone keep hand on my shoulder, I turn and sees avu.

God! Hope she didn't heard that honeymoon thing.

Avneet - She said something.
Siddharth - Umm..no.
Avneet - No, I heard her, she said something about honeymoon.
Siddharth - Umm..no, she didn't. Come with me.

I takes her from there.

Avneet - But I heard her, sid.
Siddharth - Umm..no.
Avneet - She said something from "H" word.
Siddharth - She said happy stay.
Avneet - Oh, ok.

Thank god! Bach gaya mein.

Siddharth - Umm..let's go in our room.
Avneet - Okay!

We goes in our room and unpack our luggage.

Avneet - First I am going to take shower.
Siddharth - Okay!

She takes her clothes and goes in bathroom. She takes shower, wear clothes and comes out after few minutes. Then I take my clothes and goes in bathroom and takes shower and comes out.

Siddharth - Let's go for dinner.
Avneet - Yes, let's go. I am excited to meet employees.

Employees? Now I am gone.

Avneet - Come, let's go.
Siddharth - Umm..ok.

We goes for dinner, we sits on table and gives our order.

Avneet - Where are others?
Siddharth - Umm.. actually... everyone will come tomorrow.
Avneet - Oh ok.

Abhi toh bach gaya, but kal kya karoonga. God! Save me pls.

We talk for sometime then our order came, we eats it and goes back to our room. We all were so tired so we slept.

Skips to next day
In morning

I was sleeping peacefully then I heard avu's scream. I quickly wake up. I sees her running out of bathroom. Her hairs and dress are wet. She is wearing a dress which reach till her thigh. She is looking super hot.

She is walking towards me but her leg slipped, she hold my shoulder for taking support but I was not ready for this I fall on bed, she is on top of me. We were looking into each other's eyes. She breaks the eye contact after 1 minute. She gets up from me, we sits on bed.

Siddharth - Umm..what happened? Why you screamed?
Avneet - There's a lizard in bathroom.
Siddharth - What?
Avneet - Lizard!

I started laughing.

Avneet - Stop laughing.
Siddharth - You are scared of a lizard.
Avneet - Shut up, and just go and do something.
Siddharth - You are shouting as if it's not a lizard but a crocodile.
Avneet - So, it belongs the same family. And have you seen lizard, it looks so creepy! And it's also so scary!...No, I can't stay here. I won't stay here.

She turn to take a steps, I hold her wrist and stop her. She turn towards me.

Siddharth - Avu, how can you go? Just becoz of a lizard you are ready to leave such a beautiful room. Avu, this is the best resort, and this is their best suite...And believe me, the way you screamed so loudly it must have run away.
Avneet - No!

I started laughing again.

Avneet - Ugh..I am going.

She turn but I hold her wrist and stop her. She turn towards me.

Siddharth - Ok, sorry. I am going to see, sweetheart 😉.

She blush.

I goes in bathroom, I searched but didn't found any lizard. I comes out of the bathroom and said - There's no lizard in the bathroom. Avu, I think it's gone.

Avneet - I don't know about lizard but I will surely go. I can't stay in this room. I want room in another hotel.
Siddharth - What? Avu, this is the tourist season. There's so much rush, you won't get any other room.
Avneet - It's all right, get this room vacated. You are the soon to be CEO of Nigam Industries, right? Ask any of the employee to exchange his/ her room with us.

I whisper to myself - Well, there's no employee, whom should I exchange the room with?

Avneet - What are you saying?
Siddharth - Umm..no, nothing.
Avneet - When we will go home, I will complain to mom about you. Her son is completely useless.
Siddharth - Hey! Don't drag mom in between us.
Avneet - All right, you just stand here. You are of no use! I am going to find a man in the hotel who would shoo this lizard away.
Siddharth - Hey! What do you want to say? I am not a man anymore?
Avneet - You don't look like. You couldn't shoo away a lizard.

She turns and takes few steps.

Siddharth - Hey, Mrs. Find-A-Man!

She stop and turn towards me.

Siddharth - Will you go out like this?!

She looks at her clothes then at me.

Avneet - Pls do something na, sid.
Siddharth - Avu lizard is gone.
Avneet - You...

Her eyes fell on something and she screamed loudly - Lizard!!

She run towards me and hugs me in fear. I was shocked but I hug her back. It is the first time she hugs me. We were feeling so comfortable in each other's arms.

Then my eyes fell on lizard, it is going out of the room.

Siddharth - Look avu, the lizard went.

She breaks the hug and sees lizard, it went out of the room.

She looks at me, we were looking into each other's eyes. Slowly I started moving towards her lips, she also closed her eyes waiting for my lips to touch her. Our lips were about to met but her phone started ringing. We came back in senses. There is an awkward silence.

Siddharth - Umm..avu, get ready, we have to go for doing breakfast. Then we will go to explore places.
Avneet - Ok! And I am so excited to meet all the employees.

Employees? God! If she will get to know the truth, she will kill me!! God! Save me, pls. Tonight I will tell her the truth.

Siddharth - I am going to take shower.
Avneet - Okay!

I takes my clothes and goes in bathroom, I takes a shower and get ready. Then avneet goes in bathroom, she takes a shower, get ready and comes out. We goes out for breakfast. We sits on table and gives our order.

Avneet - Where are everyone?
Siddharth - Umm..actually...they will come tonight.
Avneet - But they were supposed to come today.
Siddharth - Umm...actually...they missed their flight.
Avneet - All missed their flight?
Siddharth - Umm..voh...actually...

God! Ab mein gaya. God save me pls.

Avneet - Well, leave this.

Thank god! Bach gaya.

We talk for sometime then our order came, we eats it and goes back to our room.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to night

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I am in room getting ready. Siddharth told me that there is a surprise for me tonight. And I am so excited for the surprise.


To be continued.

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