8. Surprise 💒

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Siddharth told me that there is a surprise for me tonight. And I am so excited for the surprise. Then siddharth enters in room and sees my reflection in mirror. I also looks at his reflection in mirror. He is looking so hot. I gets up from dressing table and turns and walk towards him.

Siddharth - You are looking beautiful.

Avneet blush and said - "Thanks".

Avneet - You are also looking handsome.

Siddharth blush and said - "Thanks".

Siddharth - Ready for the surprise?
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - Let's go.
Avneet - Ok!

We comes out of the hotel and sit in car.

Avneet - Where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, avu.

After saying this he blind folded me.

Siddharth started driving the car.

Avneet - Sid where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, avu.
Avneet - Ugh!..Tell me na.
Siddharth - Shh..keep quiet. It's a surprise, we will reach there soon.
Avneet - Fine 🙄.

After few minutes siddharth stopped the car, probably we have reached there. Then he gets out of the car and opened door for me. I hold his hand for support and comes out of the car.

Avneet - Sid now tell me what's the surprise.
Siddharth - I will not tell you.
Avneet - Ugh!
Siddharth - Don't be angry. Ok fine I am going to show you the surprise.
Avneet - Okay!

Siddharth undid my blind fold and I opened my eyes slowly. And after what I saw in front of my eyes I was shocked. We are at beach, it is fully decorated. It is just amazing. I turn towards him.

Avneet - It's beautiful. (I said admiring the decorations)
Siddharth - Not more than you 😉.

He said with a wink. I blush.

Siddharth - Come let's sit.

We walk towards the chair. He pulled the chair for me, I sits on chair and siddharth sits on another chair. Then waitress came and serves chocolate ice-cream. Waitress goes from there.

Avneet - You know what chocolate ice-cream is my favorite ice-cream.
Siddharth - That's good.

We finished our ice-cream.

Siddharth - Beautiful, wanna dance 😉?

I blush and said - Yes!

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

He asked for her hand, she gladly accepted his hand. They gets up from chair and he keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer. He interwine their 1 hand together. She keep her 1 hand on his shoulder and other one is interwined with his. They are dancing looking into each other's eyes. He twirled her around. He slides his hands from her arms to her palm. Both were lost in the moment. He hold her palm and turn her.

She was collied with his chest. Both were lost into each other's eyes. He left her palms and keeps his hands on her waist. Avneet keep her hands on his chest.

Siddharth's P.O.V

She is in good mood right now, I think now I should tell her the truth.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - Avu.
Avneet - Hmm?
Siddharth - Actually I want to tell you something.
Avneet - What is it?
Siddharth - Don't freak out.
Avneet - Umm..ok.
Siddharth - Actually this isn't an official trip.
Avneet - What?!!

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