22. Party

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Siddharth walk out of the home, avneet also follows him. She goes and stand in front of him and stop him.

Avneet - Sid, plz listen me. Don't go.
Siddharth - Avu, get aside.
Avneet - Pls sid.

Siddharth pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and started walking towards the car.

Avneet - Sid, put me down!

He didn't listened to her. He reached to the car. He open the car's door and made her sit on passenger seat and close the door. He himself sits on driver seat and started driving the car towards college.

Avneet - Sid, pls don't create a scene in college.
Siddharth - Avu just keep quiet. I am really mad on you too. You should have told me this yesterday after all that happened. I asked you so many times that what's wrong but you said everytime that nothing is wrong!! First I will take care of vishal, then you.
Avneet - Pls don't.
Siddharth - Shut up!

He said in anger. She became silent. Journey was silent. They reach college in few minutes. Siddharth quickly comes out of the car, avneet also gets out of the car. She walk towards him.

Avneet - Sid, plz listen me. Don't go.
Siddharth - Avu, get aside.
Avneet - Pls sid.

Siddharth rolled his eyes.

He started walking inside the college, avneet follows him. He spotted vishal in corridor. He walk towards him.

Avneet's P.O.V

God! Now vishal is gone.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet follows him.

Siddharth - Hey vishal.
Vishal - Hi siddharth.
Siddharth - I got to know that you kissed my wife and even gave her a hickey forcefully!

He said dangerously looking at him. Vishal gulped down in fear.

Avneet - Sid, leave it.

Siddharth turn towards her and said - Keep quiet, love.

Siddharth turn back towards vishal. Siddharth hold the collar of vishal and punch his nose multiple times. Siddarth pushed him on floor. Siddharth kicked him on his stomach.

Avneet - Sid, leave him.

He didn't payed attention. He sits on vishal and started punching him. Vishal's nose started bleeding.

Avneet - Sid, pls leave him.

He didn't payed attention. Then siddharth's eyes fell on a hockey stick, he takes that hockey stick and started beating him with that stick.

Avneet - Sid, leave him. You are going to kill him!!

She shouted on her lungs. He left her and gets up from him. He turn towards her and hold her hand and takes her from there. He takes her in library. They enter inside and he close the door. He hold her hand and pinned her against the wall.

Avneet - You should not have done that.
Siddharth - Done what? Beat that son of bitch who touched my wife inappropriately?
Avneet - Sid, I know what he did was wrong...

Siddharth cuts her in between - And you are still taking his side?

Avneet - I am not taking his side. I just don't want you to fight with anyone.

He rolled his eyes.

Siddharth - You should have told me this earlier.
Avneet - I am sorry.
Siddharth - I am not talking to you.

He left her and turn towards other direction. She goes and back hugs him.

Avneet - Pls don't say this, sid.

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