10. Rits is a bitch!

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Siddharth was dancing with rits then his eyes fell on avneet, he saw her dancing closely with a guy.

Siddharth's P.O.V

What the hell! Avu didn't know him, how can she dance with an unknown guy? I have to make it stop.

P.O.V ends.

He left rits and walk towards avneet and that guy.. He tap on his shoulder. Both sees him and left each other. Siddharth hold avneet's wrist and drag her out of the club.

Siddharth - What the hell you were doing?!
Avneet - What?
Siddharth - Stop acting innocent, avu.
Avneet - But what I did?
Siddharth - You were dancing with that guy.
Avneet - So?
Siddharth - What so? You don't even know him.
Avneet - So what?
Siddharth - What do you mean by, "So what?"
Avneet - You were also dancing with rits. What do you expect from me to stand there and see my husband dancing with someone else? No, we come to club for enjoying not for seeing other people dancing.

Siddharth's P.O.V

God, this girl is jealous...Wait, that means she has feelings for me.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - So are you jealous?
Avneet - Jealous? Me? No way, I am not jealous at all.
Siddharth - You are jealous. And you look super cute when you are jealous.
Avneet - Sid I told you na that I am not jealous.
Siddharth - Really?
Avneet - Yes!

Siddharth hold her wrist and pull her closer. He wrap his arms around her waist. Both were looking into each other's eyes. Siddharth started moving towards her lips, she close her eyes waiting for his lips to touch her.

But before his lips could touch her they heard a fake cough. Both look at the direction and sees rits standing there. Avneet quickly push siddharth.

Rits - Umm..I am sorry guys, I didn't knew you were having a private moment.

Rits turn and goes from there.

Avneet - We should also go inside.

Avneet also goes inside and siddharth also follows her.

Siddharth - Beautiful wanna dance? 😉

Avneet blush and said - "Sure".

They goes to dance floor. Then a romantic song start. Siddharth keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer. He interwine their 1 hand together. She keep her 1 hand on his shoulder.

The other one was interwined with his one hand. They were dancing and looking into each other's eyes. His gaze was unkowningly making her blush. They danced for 2 minutes then song came to end and both goes to bar section. They enjoyed alot and then goes back to their home.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wakes up and get ready and goes downstairs. She makes breakfast and serves and all eats and goes for their work.

Skips to night

All were in hall except vaishneet, they were busy in making dinner.

Avneet - Bhabhi it's almost ready, let's serve it.
Vaishnavi - Yeah!

Vaishneet takes dinner to the dining table then door bell rings.

Vaishnavi - Who is could be at this time?
Avneet - I don't know. I will just go and check.
Vaishnavi - Okay!

Avneet goes to open the door, she opened the door and saw rits standing there.

Rits - Hey.
Avneet - Uh..hi.
Rits - Aren't you going to invite me in?
Avneet - Umm..ya sure, come inside.

Rits enter inside, avneet close the door and follow her. Rits goes in hall and sees everyone.

Rits - Hey guys.

All sees her and smile.

Shivay - Hey rits.
Abhishek - Where you were girl?
Anika - Long time to see you.
Rits - Ya, I was out of India for some work.
Vaishnavi - Well, now you are not going before doing dinner.
Siddharth - Yes!
Avneet - Well, then let's eat dinner.

All walk towards the dining table. Avneet was about to take the chair beside siddharth but rits came there and stop her.

Rits - Umm..avneet, can I sit beside siddharth pls?

Avneet's P.O.V

Why she want to sit beside my husband?..Ugh! God I can't even say no to her, she is a guest here.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet puts a fake smile on her face and said - Ya, sure.

Rits takes that chair and sits beside siddharth and avneet takes the chair beside vaishnavi. All eats dinner. Rits was flirting with siddharth. Avneet was damn jealous. After dinner they talked a little then she went. All goes back to their respective rooms.

In sidneet room.

Siddharth - Rits in cute na.
Avneet - Yeah! Damn cute. *she said sarcastically*

Siddharth's P.O.V

Why avu is talking like that?....Is she is jealous? But why would she be jealous? Wait! If she is jealous then it means she have feelings for me. Let's make her more jealous.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - She is so hot also.

Avneet was burning from jealousy.

Avneet's P.O.V

Why I am feeling jealousy?....Wait I am jealous but why? Does I have any feelings for him?....No, this can't happen. I can't fall in love. This marriage is just a deal, nothing else.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Stay away from rits. Okay?
Siddharth - Why? Are you jealous?
Avneet - I am not jealous, ok? And why would I be jealous?
Siddharth - You are jealous.
Avneet - I m not.
Siddharth - Oh really 😏.
Avneet - Yes.
Siddharth - But...

Avneet cuts him in between - Now I am going to change.

Siddharth - Okay!

Avneet takes her clothes and goes in bathroom and change her clothes and comes out. Then siddharth goes inside and change his clothes and comes out and saw avneet making pilllow wall.

Siddharth's P.O.V

What's the need to make pillow wall when we are husband and wife?..Ugh! Leave this.

P.O.V ends.

He goes and sits on bed beside her.

Siddharth moves towards avneet and placed a long kiss on her forehead and said - Good night.

Avneet - Good night.

Both laid down on bed and slept.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wake up and sees siddharth sleeping beside her. She steps out of the bed and takes her clothes and goes in bathroom and takes shower, get ready and goes downstairs.

She goes in kitchen and make breakfast in an hour. Everyone started coming. All were sitting on dining table. She serves breakfast to everyone. All started eating breakfast.

Abhishek - Guys today rits is coming, she will stay at our home for few days.
Avneet - Why?
Abhishek - Her parents are out of the town and she is alone at home that's why she is coming here.
Avneet - Oh!
Siddharth - That's a great news.

Avneet's P.O.V

What great news?! This bitch is going to stay here in my home. And I am 100% sure that she is going to flirt with my sid...Wait! My sid!! Yes, my sid, he is my husband I can call him mine.

P.O.V ends.

All eats their breakfast and goes for their work.


To be continued.

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