26. She losses her cool

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Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wake up, she sits on bed and stretch her arms. Then bathroom's door opened, she look at the door. Siddharth comes out. He also look at her, both didn't said anything.

Avneet gets up from bed and takes her clothes and goes in bathroom. She takes a shower, get ready and goes downstairs. She sees everyone in hall.

Avneet - Good morning.
All - Good morning.

Avneet started walking towards the door.

Anika - Where are you going, avu?
Avneet - College.
Shivay - Breakfast?
Avneet - Dad, I am already late.
Abhishek - Avu it will take only 5 minutes.
Vaishnavi - Yeah!
Avneet - But...
Anika - You are not going without eating breakfast.
Vaishnavi - Yes, mom is right avu.
Avneet - But...
Rits - Let it be bhabhi if she doesn't wants to eat then let it be.
Avneet - Rits, how many times do I need to tell you that don't interfere in my personal matter.
Rits - I really don't know what problem you have with me, avneet. Yesterday I just talked to sid and you are behaving like I have committed a crime.

Avneet looks at her in anger.

Rits - I have rights on sid more than you do, I am his best friend and I came in his life before you came.
Avneet - Don't you dare to say anything about my husband!!

She shouted on her.

Rits - Stop acting like you care about him, becoz if you really do then why he was sleeping in hall rather than sleeping in his room last night?

All became shock.

Vaishnavi - Rits it's a husband, wife personal matter. You should not speak in their matter.
Rits - But bhabhi...

Abhishek cuts her in between - Vaishnavi is right, its their personal matter, they will solve this by their own. There's no need for you to interfere in it.

Rits rolled her eyes.

Anika - But I woke up early in morning but didn't saw sid sleeping in hall.
Avneet - Isn't it strange, mom, that no one in the house saw sid sleeping on sofa but you knew it, rits!

She folded her hands against her chest and said - How?...Either sid informed you about this or you keep a watch on him!

All were shocked.

Avneet - Anyways, you should not interfered in a husband, wife's personal matter, you should have stayed away. But now that you have spoken about it then tell the entire family, what's the reason for which you always interfere between me and my husband.

Rits didn't said anything, she stayed silent.

Anika - Avu, beta, let it be.
Avneet - No, mom, she is interfering between me and sid from past few days but today she have crossed all her limits...How dare she to drag my and sid's personal matter in front of the whole family!

Avneet turn towards rits and said - Why do you always come between me and sid? Why only you are the only one in the house who always keep an eye on sid? Why you always come in our bedroom without knocking? Why you always speak between my and sid's personal matter.

Rits - How dare you to say that! And why would I keep an eye on sid?

Before avneet could say anything siddharth came there.

Siddharth - What happened, avu?
Rits - Sid, thank god you came.
Siddharth - What is going on here?
Rits - Sid, why don't you tell everyone that last night you had a fight with avneet? And you came out of the room with a pillow and a blanket.
Avneet - So, I was not wrong, right rits? You actually keep an eye on sid. That's why you know how he went out of the room with pillow and blanket.
Siddharth - Avu! What are you saying?
Avneet - This is not fun for me either. But if she will interfere in my personal's matter then I will talk to her like this only.
Rits - Leave her sid, she is like this only. She only use to find chances to fight with you.
Avneet - Oh really! You...

Siddharth cuts her in between - Avu, pls let it be. Close this topic here.

Avneet - Why are you asking me to keep quiet? Why don't you ask her to shut up when she is the one who is talking rubbish!
Rits - Am I talking rubbish?
Avneet - Don't speak in between when I am talking to my husband.
Siddharth - Avu, please, leave this topic here only.

Rit's P.O.V

Avneet is looking so angry, what if she will tell everyone that I am sid's ex-girlfriend? What all will think about me? I have to do something.

P.O.V ends.

Rits - Enough! Aren't you getting late for college? You should go to college, leave now please!
Avneet - Today I am not going anywhere. Now this is more than what I can tolerate. Instead of quarreling everyday, let's clear things out once and for all.
Rits - What do you want to clear?
Avneet - I want to clear everything..You peek into our room, does it look good?
Rits - What do you exactly want to say? Say it clearly.
Avneet - Alright, let me be clear..Tell me, rits, what relation you share with sid?

All became shocked.

Avneet - What happened, rits? Why are you quiet? When you level accusations against me and question me you have alot to say. Why are you silent now?
Shivay - Umm..avu, leave it na, beta.
Avneet - No, dad, let me clear this topic forever.

She turn towards rits and said - Answer me, rits.

Rits became silent.

Avneet - Why are you afraid to tell the truth? Don't be scared, say it aloud. Let everyone know the truth. Answer me, rits!!
Vaishnavi - Avu, what's all this? If you have any personal issue with sid then you should solve it in your bedroom not here.
Avneet - I could have solved this matter in our bedroom only, but rits have dragged our personal matter in front of the whole family, so now I will clear this topic here only, bhabhi.

Avneet looks at sid.

Avneet - And you, sid, as far I know, last night, out of anger you left the room with pillow and blanket. And you ensured that rits witnesses it
Siddharth - What?
Avneet - Yes, so that rits can use our personal matter and create a scene in front of the whole family! So that she can question me about it, in front of all! So that she can put me down!
Siddharth - Avu, it's nothing like that.

Avneet rolled her eyes and turn towards rits.

Avneet - Answer me, rits!!

Rits didn't said anything.

Avneet - Rits, let me do one thing, I will tell the truth I know so that it becomes easy for you to answer my questions.

Rit's P.O.V

OMG! Is she going to tell the truth?!!

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - So the truth is that you and sid were in relationship!

All became shock. A tear fall from avneet's eyes.

Avneet - And you are here because you are waiting for a chance to get close to sid!
Rits - Enough! Sid, your so-called wife is asking me weird questions, is it right? She is putting words in my mouth and humiliating me in front of everyone, and instead of asking her to keep quiet you are quietly listening everything.
Avneet - What happened, rits? Did you feel offended? You got offended by such a pretty thing. I have not even started telling the truth. If I will tell the entire truth the entire night will paas.
Siddharth - Stop it, avu! Stop it, it's enough now! End this topic here only.


To be continued.

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