34. Anniversary

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I am really sorry guys for not updating chapter. I was kinda busy, actually I am in my 10th standard right now so I don't have time but I will promise to update in every 3-4 days.
Now let's continue the chapter.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wakes up and sees siddharth sleeping beside her. She kissed his forehead and steps out of the bed. She takes her clothes and goes in bathroom and takes a shower, wear her clothes and comes out. She sees siddharth awake.

Avneet - Good morning, baby.
Siddharth - Good morning, avu.
Avneet - Go and take shower.
Siddharth - Okay!

He gets up from bed and takes his clothes and goes inside the bathroom. Avneet goes and stand in front of dressing table. She combs her hair and did a little bit make up then bathroom door open. Siddharth comes out wearing his sweatpants. Water is dripping from his abs, he is looking super hot. Avneet started drooling over him, siddharth noticed it and smirk.

Siddharth - Liking what you see, love? 😏

He said with a smirk, she comes out from her la la land and blush.

Avneet - It's nothing like that.
Siddharth - Well, leave this and tell me where's hair dryer?
Avneet - It's in the drawer.

She takes out the hair dryer from the drawer.

Siddharth - Give it to me.
Avneet - No, you sit here I'll do it for you.
Siddharth - Umm..ok.

Siddharth did as she said. She plug the hair dryer and started drying his hairs. He was admiring her with a smile on his face.

She noticed it and said - Why are you looking at me like that? (she said with a smile)

Siddharth - Like what?
Avneet - Umm..nothing.

He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer.

Avneet - Sid, what are you doing?
Siddharth - I am trying to do romance with my wife 😉.

She blush.

Avneet - Sid, leave me.

She said trying to get out of his hold.

Siddharth - No.

He tightened his grip on her waist.

Avneet - Please. (she said looking at him with puppy eyes)

Siddharth melted and said - Umm..fine.

Siddharth - Avu.
Avneet - Hmm?
Siddharth - I am going to office with dad today, so I am not coming to college today so you have to go alone today.
Avneet - Actually, I am not having any important lecture today so I am not going to college today.
Siddharth - Okay!

She dryed his hairs and said - Let me select a shirt for you.

Siddharth - It's fine I'll do it.
Avneet - No, I'll do it and that's final.

She said pecking his lips. She walk towards the closet.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Isn't she is behaving weird? I mean she never dryed my hairs, she never selected my shirt too. Why is she behaving like this? Is anything special today?

P.O.V ends.

She selected a shirt and walk towards him and said - You should wear this shirt today.

She hand over him that shirt. He wears it and started closing the button.

Avneet - Wait, I'll do it for you.

She hold his hand and stopped him. She started closing the buttons of his shirt.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Definitely today is something different! Is today her birthday? No, it comes in October then what is today?

P.O.V ends.

She close the last button of his shirt and said - It's done now.

Siddharth - Avu.
Avneet - Hmm? (she said with a smile)
Siddharth - Is anything special today?

Her smile faded. She looks at him with disappointment.

Avneet - Don't tell me that you don't remember what is today.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Honestly I don't remember what is today but she is looking at me with disappointment. I can't see her sad.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth puts a fake smile on his face and said - Of course I remember what is today, love.

She smiled and said - That's good.

Avneet - I'll wait for you tonight, come back home soon.
Siddharth - O..okay!

Siddharth's P.O.V

I don't remember what is today but I will bring a gift for her and will apologize to her.

P.O.V ends.

She hold his collar and pull him closer and capture his lips with her. They started smooching each other's lips. She keep her one hand around his neck and with the other one she start caressing his hairs. He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer. They breaks the kiss after a minute.

Avneet - Bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

He peck her lips and goes from there.

Skips to night

Avneet's P.O.V

It's 8 right now, sid will be here in 2 hours. I should start the decorations.

I gets up from bed and started doing the decorations. I decorated the whole room, then takes the nighty I have brought for tonight and goes in bathroom. I wear that nighty and comes out and sits on bed. Now he will be here anytime.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

2 hours later

At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

I looks at my watch and sees it's 12 now. I quickly run out of the office and sits in car and drives the car towards home. Avu must be waiting for me.

P.O.V ends.

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

It's 12 right now, and I am trying to  call him from past 1 hour but his phone is switched off. Where is he? Did he forgot about our anniversary?...No, he cannot forget about our anniversary. He will be here soon.

P.O.V ends.

1 hour later

Siddharth reached home.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I was stuck in traffic, I comes out of the car and goes inside. It's already 1, all are sleeping. I quickly goes in our room and sees avu sitting on bed, sleeping. She is wearing a sexy nighty.

I looked around, the whole room is decorated. Then my eyes fell on bed, on bed it is written, "Happy 1st Month Anniversary" with rose petals. Shit!

It was our first month anniversary and I forgot. Fuck! Now when she is gonna wake up in morning, she is gonna eat me alive.


To be continued.

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