21. Truth revealed

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Avneet realize their position and gets up from his lap and sits on bed. She was blushing very hard. Siddharth rubs the back of his neck.

Siddharth - You are a really good kisser 😉.

She blush more.

Avneet - I..I think we should sleep.
Siddharth - Okay!

He move closer to her and peck her lips and said - Good night.

Avneet blush and said - Good night.

Both laid down on bed.

Avneet's P.O.V

Today sid asked me alot about what happened but I didn't told him but he will ask me about this tomorrow. How will I tell him about this? God, my life is fucked up.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet moves closer to him and keep her head on his chest and said - Can I sleep like tonight?

Siddharth - You can sleep like this every night.

She smile. He wrap his arms around her and pull her closer.

Siddharth - Avu.
Avneet - Hmm?
Siddharth - Today you didn't told me the truth but it doesn't mean that I won't ask anything about this. Tomorrow in morning you are telling me everything and that's final.
Avneet - Sid...

He cuts her in between - No more discussion over this topic. We will talk about this tomorrow morning.

She rolled her eyes.

Avneet's P.O.V

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

P.O.V ends.

Both slept in each other's arms.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wakes up and sees her head is on siddharth's chest. She looks up at him ans found him awake playing with her hairs.

Avneet - Good morning, sid.
Siddharth - So finally you woke up, love.

She gets up from him and sits straight on bed. He peck her lips and said - Good morning, babe.

Avneet - First I am going to take shower.
Siddharth - Okay!

She peck his lips and gets up from bed. She takes her clothes and goes in bathroom. She takes a shower, wear her clothes and wrap a towel around her hairs and comes out. She goes and stand in front of dressing table and remove the towel.

She took hair dryer and started drying her hairs. Meanwhile siddharth also takes his clothes and goes inside the bathroom. He takes shower and comes out. He sees avneet is ready. She look at him and smile, he also smile back.

Avneet's P.O.V

I think sid have forgot about that. It's actually good.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

If you are thinking that I have forgotten about that then no, love, you are wrong. I have not forgotten anything.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - Avu.

She turn towards him with a smile.

Avneet - Hmm?
Siddharth - We need to talk.

Her smile faded away.

Avneet's P.O.V

God! I thought he had forgotten about it but no, he remember it.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth sits on bed and gesture her to sit on bed beside him. She take slow steps towards the bed and sits beside him.

Siddharth - Now tell me, love, what is it?
Avneet - Umm..it's nothing.
Siddharth - Avu, stop lying.
Avneet - I..I am not.
Siddharth - Yes, you are.

Avneet didn't said anything. She stayed silent.

Siddharth - Did rits said something?
Avneet - No.
Siddharth - Did vishal said something?

After hearing his name a tear fall from her eyes, she quickly turn her face to the other side. She wipe the tears and turn back to him.

Siddharth - Avu, say something, baby.

Avneet sigh.

Avneet - Fine, I will tell you the truth. But promise me that you will not fight with anyone.
Siddharth - Why would I fight with someone?
Avneet - Just promise me this pls.
Siddharth - Ok fine, I promise you this.
Avneet - Ok. So actually...vishal kissed me.

His blood boiled after hearing this.

Siddharth - He what?
Avneet - He..he kissed me.

He looks at her in anger. His jaw clenched.

Siddharth's P.O.V

How dare he to kiss my wife?!! I will not leave him today!

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - And...

After saying this she gets up from there and walk towards dressing table. She takes the makeup remover and wipe her make up from her neck and turn towards him. He sees a hickey on her neck. He walk towards her.

Avneet - He gave me that hickey forcefully too.

A tear fall from her eyes remembering the scene. She quickly hugs him, he also hugs her back. She started crying, he started caressing her hairs to calm her down.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I am not gonna leave vishal for sure. I am gonna kill him today.

P.O.V ends.

He picked her up, she wrap her legs around his waist. He sits on bed. She stopped crying after few minutes. She breaks the hug, he wipe her tears and cup her face.

Siddharth - When all this happened?
Avneet - Yesterday, in library.
Siddharth - And you are telling me all this now!
Avneet - Uh..sid, pls.

He made her sit on bed and gets up from there. He was looking angry. He started walking towards the door. Avneet also walk towards him. He keep his hand on door knob and was about to open the door but avneet keep her hand on his and stop him.

Avneet - Sid, where are you going?
Siddharth - I am going to see vishal.
Avneet - Sid, you are not going to fight with him.
Siddharth - I am!
Avneet - Sid, you promise me that you will not fight with anyone.
Siddharth - Seriously, avu! After everything he did you want to protect him.
Avneet - Sid, pls.
Siddharth - And why the hell you didn't told me this yesterday?
Avneet - I didn't wanted you to fight with him that's why.
Siddharth - Seriously avu...Now get aside!
Avneet - No.
Siddharth - Avu, get aside! Now!!

He shouted on her. She became scared but didn't move. He pushed her away lightly and unlock the door and goes downstairs. Avneet follow him. He goes downstairs and sees everyone.

Anika - Good morning, sid. Good morning, avu.
Siddharth - Good morning, mom.
Avneet - Good morning, mom.

He started walking towards the door.

Vaishnavi - Sid, breakfast?
Siddharth - I will do it in college.
Shivay - Avu you?
Avneet - I will also do it in college.

Siddharth walk out of the home, avneet also follows him. She goes and stand in front of him and stop him.

Avneet - Sid, plz listen me. Don't go.
Siddharth - Avu, get aside.
Avneet - Pls sid.


To be continued.

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