24. Misunderstanding leads

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Rits came and hugs siddharth. He also hugs her back. Avneet sees this and gets jealous.

Rits breaks the hug and said - "Hi sid".

Siddharth - Hi.
Rits - Looking smoking hot 😉.

Siddharth blush and said - "Thanks".

Avneet hold siddharth's hand and said - "Sid let's go to bhaiya, bhabhi".

Siddharth - Okay!

She dragged him towards abhinavi.

Avneet - Happy anniversary, bhaiya bhabhi.
Abhinavi - Thanks avu.
Siddharth - Happy anniversary, bhaiya bhabhi.
Abhinavi - Thanks sid.

Rits came there.

Ashi - Happy anniversary, bhaiya bhabhi.
Abhinavi - Thanks rits.

They talked for few minutes then avneet goes to look for decorations. She was looking for decorations then her eyes fell on siddharth and ashi. Both were standing closely.

Rits keeps her hands on is chest. Avneet sees this, her blood boiled after seeing this. She goes towards them. She hold rits's hand and pushed her lightly.

Rits - What's this behavior, avneet?
Avneet - I should be the one who must be asking you what's this behavior.

Avneet hold rit's hand and takes her in a corner. Siddharth follows her.

Avneet - Rits, everyone is here and in between everyone you are getting close to my husband...Listen one thing very carefully, stay away from him and stop coming between me and my husband. Ok?

After saying this she left her wrist and goes from there.

Siddharth - Rits, I m sorry from avu's side. She was quite rude.

But rits didn't listen him and goes from there. She goes in garden. He goes behind her.

Siddharth - Rits, why you came here? Come inside.
Rits - I don't want to be a part of the celebration.
Siddharth - Why?
Rits - I just don't feel like it. So pls leave.
Siddharth - What are you saying? You should come inside.
Rits - Sid didn't you saw that your wife doesn't like me. She even taunted me saying that I try to get between you and her. So why should I go inside? To listen her taunts?
Siddharth - Rits, I understand but pls don't get offended by what avu said. Why are you getting offended? You know na she is a kid, she is not mature enough. 
Rits - I know, sid, but it doesn't mean she will say anything to me.
Siddharth - Rits, I am sorry from her side.
Rits - Sid your wife has so much poison in her mind against me.
Siddharth - Enough! Don't you dare to say anything bad about avu.
Rits - Sid stop trusting her blindly. You will see her true colours soon.
Siddharth - Rits, pls leave all this and come inside. Today is bhaiya bhabhi's anniversary, you have to come inside.

At avneet's side

Vaishnavi - Avu.
Avneet - Hmm?
Vaishnavi - Where is sid? We are going to cut cake.
Avneet - Umm...I don't know, he was here few minutes ago.
Abhishek - Let me go and check where he is.
Avneet - No, bhaiya you stay here let me go and check.
Vaishnavi - Okay!

Avneet goes to search him.

At siddharth's side

Siddharth - Why are you behaving like this? Why? What's wrong with you?
Rits - Am I behaving weird?
Siddharth - Yes!

Avneet came there while searching siddharth. She heard them talking.

Rits - Sid I came here just for you becoz I still love you!!
Siddharth - What are you saying?
Rits - I am saying the truth...When you became cold-hearted? Forget about my feelings you can't see my pain.

Tears started rolling from rits's eyes.

Siddharth - Why are you hurt?
Rits - Becoz I love you, and I can't see you with someone else.

A tear fall from avneet's eyes.

Siddharth - You are the one who cheated me and ended our relationship.
Rits - I know I did a mistake but pls forgive me. 
Siddharth - Rits, calm down pls.
Rirs - What calm down?
Siddharth - Rits, don't forget that you betrayed me! You have played with my feelings! You have cheated on me.
Rits - I know I did a mistake and I regret it...But didn't we loved each other? Didn't we want to marry each other? Wasn't I going to be your wife?!
Siddharth - Stop your nonsense!!
Rits - Oh! So now you think that this truth is nonsense?
Siddharth - Rits, shut up!
Rits - You were planning to propose me for marriage, weren't you?
Siddharth - Yes I was.

Tears started rolling from avneet's eyes.

Siddharth - But you cheated on me!!
Rits - I m sorry sid...Now when you are truly in love with avneet, you are willing to forget your past.
Siddharth - Yes! You cheated on me and when I moved on then you realize your feelings and came back to destroy my and my wife's life.
Rits - No sid, I am not here to harm anyone..I just want you.
Siddharth - I really don't want to talk about this and specially today. It's bhaiya bhabhi's anniversary today, it's a happy occasion. Even on this happy occasion, you are bringing up the past.
Rits - I am not bringing up the past. You are the one who came here, I didn't asked you to come behind me...You and avu look so happy together. But what about me? What should I do?

Siddharth became silent. He took a deep breath and said - "Can we go now pls".

Rits - I don't want to go anywhere.
Siddharth - Rits...

Then avneet's phone started ringing. Siddharth and rits look towards the direction sound was coming from, they sees avneet standing.

Siddharth - Avu.
Avneet - Everyone is waiting for you, sid. That's why I came to call you.
Rits - You had come to call him or to spy him?

Avneet looks at her in anger.

Avneet - I don't spy on a guy who already has someone else's eyes on him.
Siddharth - What are you saying, avu?
Avneet - I have heard everything.
Siddharth - What do you mean?...I guess you are misunderstanding.
Avneet - There was a misunderstanding but now it has all been cleared. Actually I haven't found out anything such that I didn't knew earlier.
Siddharth - Avu tell me what did your heard pls becoz the way you are talking it is very clear that you are misunderstanding.
Avneet - No sid trust me, now I have understood everything clearly.
Siddharth - Avu pls come with me, I will explain you everything.
Avneet - No sid, there is no need for you to give me any explanation. Yes, make some excuse for the vaish bhabhi and abhi bhaiya becoz they were searching you.
Siddharth - Avu...
Avneet - Everyone is waiting for you for cake cutting. Come fast pls.

After saying this she goes from there. She was crying.

At siddharth's side

Siddharth - Happy? You ruined everything. This is what you wanted, isn't it? I don't know what avu heard? What she must be thinking?
Rits - I have not runied everything, sid. I didn't knew avneet will come here. She must have thought that you still love me.
Siddharth - Look rits what I m going to say right now set it in your mind properly..It will be better for both of us if we will never talk about our past.
Rits - Why are you explaining this to me? You are the one who came behind me.
Siddharth - Ya, you are right. It's my mistake that I came behind you and I am being punished for that.
Rits - And if it's your mistake then why you are talking rudely to me? I didn't asked you to come behind me.
Siddharth - Ya I am sorry for coming behind you...Neither would I come here, nor avu would hear all that.

After saying this he goes from there. Rits stand there crying.


To be continued.

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