17. Possesive sid

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Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wakes up and sees siddharth's arms wrapped around her waist tightly. She look at him, he is looking so cute. She kissed his forehead and tries to remove his hands from her waist, in a minute or two he wakes up.

Siddharth - Good morning, sunshine. (he said in a husky voice)

Avneet's P.O.V

Uff his morning voice!

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Uh..Good morning, sid..Now remove your hands from my waist, I need to take shower.
Siddharth - Stay a bit longer.
Avneet - Pls, sid, I need to get up.
Siddharth - Fine.

He left her and she gets up from the bed and steps out of the bed.

Avneet - First I will take shower.
Siddharth - Okay!

She takes her clothes and goes in bathroom. She takes a shower, wear her clothes and comes out. Then siddharth goes inside the bathroom and take shower. Meanwhile avneet goes downstairs. She sees vaishnavi in kitchen.

Avneet - Good morning, bhabhi.
Vaishnavi - Good morning, avu.
Avneet - Let's make breakfast.
Vaishnavi - I have already made it.
Avneet - Ok, then let's serve this.

They takes breakfast to dining table. Soon everyone started coming. They started serving breakfast and sits with them and started eating. After their breakfast all left for their work.

2 hours later

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I am at canteen right now, I grab a coffee and I sits there using my phone. I was sitting there then a guy came to me. He sits on his knees while holding a rose and said - "I really really like you, avneet. Will you be mine?".

I looked at him in shocked. Is he even serious? Like whole college knows that I am married.

Avneet - New here?
Guy - Yes!
Avneet - That's why you don't know that I am married.
Guy - What? You are married?
Avneet - Yes!
Guy - But I really like you. Pls, give divorce to your husband and come in a relationship with me. Pls.

Before I could say anything I felt two arms wrapped around my waist, I looked the person, it was siddharth.

Siddharth - Hello love.
Avneet - Uh..hi
Guy - Hey, who are you?
Siddharth - I am her husband.

He left me and turn towards that guy and said - So you proposed her, right?!

He said in anger.

Guy - Y..yes!

He gulped down in fear. Siddharth hold the collar of that guy and punch his nose multiple times. Siddarth pushed that guy on floor. Siddharth kicked him on his stomach. He was beating him badly.
God! I need to stop this. I went towards him to stop him.

Avneet - Siddharth leave him.

He was not listening to me. I took his name twice but he didn't payed attention. With all my strength I hold siddharth's wrist and pull him in a hug. Honestly I am so scared after seeing his this side.

I breaks the hug. I saw siddharth's hand, it was bleeding. I hold his wrist and takes him from there. I took him to medical room. Nurse was not there.

I made him sit on chair, I took first aid box and sit in front of him. I takes his hand in my hand but he pulled it back. I again take his hand in mine but he again pulled back.

Avneet - Sid your hand is bleeding, let me do first aid. Pls.
Siddharth - I don't need first aid.
Avneet - You do.
Siddharth - No.
Avneet - Pls for me, pls.

I again take his hand, this time he didn't pulled it back. I started doing his dressing. I could feel his gaze on me.

Avneet - Why you did that?
Siddharth - Did what?
Avneet - Why you fought with that guy?
Siddharth - He fucking proposed you, avu! How can he even think about you?

Avneet - Sid...

Siddharth cuts me in between - No, let me complete. No other guy can think about you, no one!!

He said looking dangerously in my eyes.

Avneet - Stop being so posessive over me, sid.
Siddharth - Avu, you are my wife, no other guy can think about you!!

I just rolled my eyes and started doing his dressing. A few hair strands were coming on my face, I was about to tuck them behind my ear but siddharth gently tuck them behind my ear.

He is looking at me with love in his eyes. His gaze is unknowingly making me blush. I look down at floor then he keep his index finger under my chin and made me look at him in his eyes.

He rub this thumb on my lower lip, then he started moving towards my lips, I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine then our lips met. We started smooching each other's lips, we breaks the kiss after a minute. I blush very hard. Siddharth rubs the back of his neck.

Avneet - Umm..I think I should go.

After saying this I gets up from there and goes to attend my lecture.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

2 lectures passes

At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

I am in canteen right now, I was really pissed off after I saw that guy proposing my avu. How can he even think about her? Avu stopped me while I was beating him otherwise he would have been dead till now. But now I am really happy after that kiss with avu.

I touch my lips and smile again. God, this girl is driving me crazy. I can't even think about anything else except her. I was thinking about avu then I saw her coming in canteen. And what I saw next made me shock and angry both. I saw her talking to vishal.

I told her to stay away from him, don't I? She took some papers from her bag and hand it over to him. He said something to her, she smiled and then he goes from there and she turn around and sees me and walk towards me.

Avneet - Hey.
Siddharth - Didn't I told you to stay away from vishal?
Avneet - Sid, he asked me for my notes so I was just giving him notes, nothing else.
Siddharth - He could have asked some other students for notes instead of asking you.
Avneet - Sid, pls stop being jealous of vishal.
Siddharth - I am not jealous, I am just posessive.

Avu rolled her eyes.

Siddharth - Don't roll your eyes at me, and second I am telling you I don't get good vibes from this guy, he is really upto something. I need to talk to him.
Avneet - You are not going to touch him at all.
Siddharth - We will see this.
Avneet - Sid, I swear if I will get to know that you touched him or fight with him then I will not talk to you.
Siddharth - Ugh..fine.

She gets up from her place and place a kiss on my cheek and said - I am going to library, I will see you soon. Bye.

Siddharth - Bye.

Avu goes from there. I also getd up and goes from there. I need to talk to vishal. I started searching him, then I finally found him in corridor. I walk towards him.

Siddharth - Hey vishal.
Vishal - Hi.
Siddharth - We need to talk.
Vishal - Ya, say.
Siddharth - Stay away from avu.
Vishal - What?
Siddharth - I said, stay away from my wife!

I said in anger.

Vishal - Chill bro, she is my just friend nothing else.

He said as he keep his hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away and said - Just stay away from her!

Vishal rolled his eyes and said - Fine, I will see.


To be continued.

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