14. Truth revealed

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Siddharth - Good morning, sunshine.
Avneet - Good morning, sid..Now remove your hands from my waist, I need to take shower.

Siddharth's hands were already on her waist, he pull her more closer and said - Stay like this for few more minutes.

Avneet - But...

Siddharth cuts her in between - Pls.

Both were looking into each other's eyes, then siddharth started moving towards her lips. Avneet close her eyes waiting for his lips to touch her. Their lips were about to met but door opened revealing rits. Avneet sees this and quickly pushed siddharth lightly.

Rits - Uh..Good morning guys.
Siddharth - Good morning.
Avneet - How many times I have to told you rits that husband and wife's bedroom is their private space and you should not come here like this without knocking.
Rits - Umm..I am sorry.
Avneet - Now what do you want?
Rits - Everyone is waiting for you guys at dining table. Come downstairs asap.
Siddharth - Ok!
Rits - Bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

Rits goes from there.

Avneet - First I will take shower.
Siddharth - Okay!

Avneet takes her clothes and goes in bathroom and takes a shower and wear clothes and comes out. Then siddharth goes inside and takes shower and wear clothes and comes out.

Avneet - Let's go.
Siddharth - Today I am not coming college.
Avneet - Why?
Siddharth - I have to go to office with dad today.
Avneet - Ok fine, I will go alone.
Siddharth - No, I will drop you college.
Avneet - Okay! Let's go downstairs.
Siddharth - Okay!

Both goes downstairs and sees everyone.

Sidneet - Good morning.
All - Good morning.

Avneet started walking towards the door.

Siddharth - Where are you going?
Avneet - College.
Shivay - Breakfast?
Avneet - Dad, I am already late.
Siddharth - Avu it will take only 5 minutes.
Vaishnavi - Yeah!
Avneet - But...
Anika - You are not going without eating breakfast.
Siddharth - Yes, mom is right avu.
Avneet - But...
Rits - Let it be sid if she doesn't wants to eat then let it be.
Avneet - Rits don't interfere between me and my husband. Okay?
Rits - Why are you talking to me like this?
Avneet - Becoz you used to behave like this only.
Rits - Avneet you are crossing your limits now.
Avneet - Oh really?!
Rits - Yes!
Avneet - You...

Anika cutted her in between - Shut up you both.

Both became silent.

Shivay - Stop fighting.
Rits - She is the one who started.
Avneet - Yes, I started becoz you were crossing your limits.
Rits - What limits I have crossed?
Avneet - You should not interfere when husband and wife are talking.
Rits - You...

Anika cuts her in between - Avu is right, rits. You should not interfere between a husband and wife.

Abhishek - Yes rits.
Rits - Ok fine..I am sorry.

After saying this she gets up from there and runs in her room.

Avneet - Mom I m going. I will eat something in canteen.
Anika - Ok!
Siddharth - Come let me drop you.
Avneet - Ok!

Sidneet comes out of the home and sits in car. Siddharth started driving the car towards college. He keep his hand on thigh.

Siddharth - There was no need to fight with rits there.
Avneet - She was the one who started.
Siddharth - But still...Let it be.
Avneet - Hmm.

Journey was silent, they reach there in few minutes.

Siddharth - I will pick you after college.
Avneet - Okay!

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