9. Jealous avneet

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Abhishek - Umm..avu...actually...

He started rubbing the back of his neck due to nervousness.

Vaishnavi - Umm..I am sorry from his side, avu.
Avneet - It's fine, bhabhi.

We all talked and eat our dinner and goes in our room.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet wake up and sees siddharth sleeping beside her. She steps out of the bed and takes her clothes and goes in bathroom and takes shower, get ready and goes downstairs.

She goes in kitchen and make breakfast in an hour. Everyone started coming. All were sitting on dining table. She serves breakfast to everyone. All eats breakfast.

Siddharth - Avu, ready?
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - Let's go to college.
Avneet - Okay!

They comes out of the home and sits in car and siddharth drives the car towards their college. They reach there and goes inside. They were walking in corridor then siddharth bumped into a girl, that girl is about to fall but siddharth hold her from her waist.

Both were looking into each other's eyes. Avneet is watching all this and getting jealous. She fake cough and both gets into normal position.

Girl - Hi sid.
Siddharth - Hi.
Girl - I missed you alot.

After saying this she hugged him. Avneet again gets jealous. She breaks the hug.

Siddharth - How are you?
Girl - I am all good. What about you?
Siddharth - I am good too...Well, let me introduce you to someone special.

He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer and said - My wife, Avneet Siddharth Nigam.

Girl's P.O.V

What the hell?!! Siddharth's wife!

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - And avu, she is Rits, my childhood friend.

Rits put a fake smile on her face and said - Hi.

Avneet also put a fake smile on her face and said - Hi.

Siddharth - Well, what are you doing here?
Rits - I have taken admission in this college.
Siddharth - That's great.
Rits - I know..Well, I am having lecture right now, I will see you later. Bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

Rits turn towards avneet and said - Bye.

Avneet puts a fake smile on her face and said - Bye.

Rits goes from there.

Avneet - I should go too I am also lecture.
Siddharth - Let's go together, we have the sane lecture. We will sit together too.
Avneet - Sure.

He hold her hand and both started walking towards their class. They reach there and goes inside and sits together in class. Lecture started, avneet was concentrating on lecture but siddharth was staring her. Avneet notice him staring at her.

Avneet - Why are you staring me?
Siddharth - You are so beautiful 😉.

She blush.

He keep his hand on her thigh and started caressing her thigh. She shiver under his touch.

Avneet - Sid.

She moaned his name. Siddharth smirk.

Avneet - Sid, stop doing this.
Siddharth - Why? Moan my name again, love. (he said with a smirk)

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