life as a journalist

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after i finished school in 1981 i finally could follow my dreams and become a journalist. i imagined my life as a journalist to be super exciting. i already saw myself in australia & america.. well, i had a strict boss... a very strict boss. she wanted me to sit there in my office all day. she thought i'm too inexperienced to travel around the world already. maybe she was right but i wanted to travel so bad. my parents didn't understand me. so don't get me wrong, they supported me always but they were scared too. and i don't hold it against them either. but i always was adventurous. so that was the perfect job for me. my sister just wanted me to get some autographs by celebrities. i think that's funny.
anway, that one day in summer 1988 changed my whole life. i was a journalist for 5 months now. i did go to work and i thought i'd be a normal day like every other day. but then my boss came into my office. and you won't believe what she told me...
she said to me that i got experience in journalism now. she wanted me to travel to los angels to look for some celebrities to that point i didn't even realise what she was saying. me traveling to america - la??? to interview celebrities??? 100 celebrities jumped into my head: madonna, freddie mercury, michael jackson, whitney houston... in that moment i didn't know why, but when she said this sentence something happened in my heart. back then i didn't know what it was... it was something i never felt before... i just ignored it and said yes to my boss. i called my family and told them what i'll experience. they were so happy for me. i really love my family, they support me in every case. my boss told me that this is a very important job and she really trusts me. i told her that i'll definitely do my best. i was sure that i won't disappoint her. even if i didn't like her that much, i appreciated this big chance. and yeah, only because of her i met my love.
3 weeks later my journey already did start. i was so excited. i didn't realise what i was doing til that point. am i really going to talk to celebritys? yes i was. my journey was planned to be 2 weeks long. i was so grateful and excited, i'm gonna be in los angeles in 11 hours.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now