happy times

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we went to the room where my mum and nicholas were. we did go in and my mum looked so happy. ‚hey my dears!' she said. michael sat down next to my mum and i sat down next to him. ‚oh i see you you've already been served.' he said and laughed. ‚yes! you're bodyguards are so kind!' she said and michaels smile fade away a bit. ‚yes. they really are. but i was wrong about one of them.. i truly thought he's a real friend.' he said a bit sad. that broke my heart: ‚oh michael, i'm so sorry... but now you have me and my family! we're always there if you need us!' that made him smile and that made my heart happy. my mum and me hugged him from both sides. he hugged us back. ‚wow. i love you guys so much. some people would take things like that for granded but for me that's truly special. i already told mel, i don't have many friends.' that made my heart hurt. my mum looked sad too: ‚i'm so sorry. ordinary people like us would think a superstar like you would have many friends. you know? cause everyone wants to be your friend' michael nodded: ‚yeah. back then i also thought the way you think.. but they all just wanna be your ‚friend' because you're famous and.. they're just fake.' ‚oh i'm so sorry michael.. you're a very kind person.' my mum said. ‚you too! i can't wait to meet the rest of your family.' that made me smile. i love michael so much. he deserves all the best. ‚but for now i have to perform.' than there was a sparkle in his eyes: ‚yes!! you all can watch me! bring your dad and sister here!! and after that we can talk a little bit.' he said with a bright smile. ‚yeahhh! what a great idea!' i said and smiled. i never was so happy in my entire life.
so we really did it. we brought my dad and my sister there and watched the concert together. my sister almosr cried before it even started. and when it started she cried like a baby. we all sang the lyrics loud and before michael did the moonwalk while performing billie jean he formed a kiss in our direction.
after the concert we all waited for michael backstage. my sister cried so hard and i tried to calm her down. i was so happy and grateful for a what happened. when michael knocked at the door she stopped crying and tried to calm down. but when he went in with a big smile and came to hug her she cried like a baby again...

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now