arriving at home

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when i arrived at the airport i already saw my parents waiting for me. i was incredibly sad. i just wanted to be with michael right now. but my parents didn't even know anything about that thing with michael, that's why i tried not to let it show. my parents directly opened their arms when they did see me and i hugged them: ‚mel! i'm so glad to see you.' they all said. i tried to smile, but i really didn't feel like smiling. ‚we're so proud, the interview with michael jackson was such a big success!!' my father said. oh. i didn't know that. but i also wasn't interested in this interview anymore. of course, without it i wouldn't even know michael but i didn't think about my job in this moment. all i think about was michael... ‚oh.. yeah..' i said. now my family noticed that i wasn't doing well. ‚what's wrong?' my mother said. when she said this i couldn't hold my tears and just fell into her arms. ‚oh my god mel. what did happen?' she asked. i couldn't say anything... i didn't know what was wrong too. maybe it wasn't wrong that this thing with michael didn't work back then, but i wanted it to work so bad. i never felt something like that for a person. ‚mi- michael' i just said while sobbing in my mothers arms. ‚michael?' my mother asked confused. ‚michael?' my father and my sister asked too. i kept crying and my family didn't ask anymore. in silence we walked through the airport and drove home. i also went to my parents house. at home i put my michael vinyl on and just listened to his music while crying. i was sure that i was never going to see him again, and this thought just broke my heart into 1000 pieces. after a while i heard someone knocking at the door. i called in and my sister stood in front of me. i nodded and wiped my tears away. she sat down next to me and hugged me. ‚hey mel, you wanna talk?' she asked. i nodded. ‚am i allowed to ask which michael you meant?' she asked me. tears came again.. she noticed and put an arm around me. i was just pointing at my record player and she understood. i thought she would simply freak out now, but somehow she kept being silent. after a while she talked to me again: ‚mel? what happened with michael there?' with tears in my eyes i told her the whole story.

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