neverland meeting

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after walking through neverland for an hour, we went into michaels house and sat down. i told him again how wonderful his little own world is and he thanked me. neverland truly was his safe place - and mine too now. ‚anyway, i feel like we know each other for years but somehow i don't even know your name' michael said. we laughed and i said: ‚oh my god, that's true. well, i'm melissa miller and i'm from london as you know. my sister is a biggg fan of you by the way.' michael smiled: ‚oh god, that's so cute. what's her name?' he asked me. ‚her name is laura.' i said. ‚oh, i'd love to meet her one day..' he said. did he really said that? is he talking about his future related to me?? michael noticed my confused face and said ‚oh, nothing..' he said. he looked straight into my eyes during the whole conversation and i looked into his. he has beautiful eyes. so beautiful. ‚you have beautiful eyes.' i dared to say. michael smiled ‚thank you my dear, yours are beautiful too.' he said. now i blushed and he laughed. ‚did i just embarrass you?' he said while laughing. i laughed to and said ‚no.' he smiled and said: ‚good, because i'm just telling the truth.' is he flirting with me? am i flirting with him?? we kept talking for hours. in the evening he did show me a few parts of neverland again. he took my hand and said: ‚will we see each other again?' i didn't know what to say..: ‚mr michael jackson wants to see me again?' we laughed: ‚yes. michael jackson wants to see you again.' he said. we smiled and looked into each others eyes. ‚i would love to see you again mr jackson..' i said. he smiled and opened his arms. does he wants me to hug him? i looked confused, he laughed and hugged me in his arms. i smelled his parfume again and i was in heaven. michael smells so good. during the hug he said: ‚tomorrow i have my next concert here in la. do you want to visit another concert of mine?' oh my god. did he really said that? ‚oh my god, of course! i mean- yes. i'd love to.' i said. he laughed and ended the hug. we looked into each others eyes and suddenly got serious. we still held hands. we got a little closer.. only a bit - then michael shook his head briefly: ‚yes. great. i'm loooking so forward!' he said. ‚no! i'm the one that is looking forward.' i said and we both smiled.

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