what an idiot

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‚what? why?' i asked her. ‚mel! he's betraying you! as i already told you!' she said angry. ‚what are you talking about??' ‚mel! you really think that michael said that? you told me that you guys kissed. he would never say things like that than. i don't know why this tom is doing that, but he's an a**hole.' she said. i couldn't believe that: ‚okay, so i agree that it sounds strange and i also think michael wouldn't say that, but you really think tom would do that?' ‚i don't know him but it really seems like he's not kind. i would talk to michael again. i don't know how but you have to do it.' she told me. ‚but mum, what if he really doesn't like me the way i like him? what if he really said that?' than my sister came in. she listened to our conversation and read the letter: ‚oh my god! he's such an idot! tom!' she screamed. ‚mel, you're definitely gotta talk to michael again really.' i looked at them: ‚you guys really think so?' ‚yes!' they both said. ‚okay , i'll try it.. but when and how?? i can't get there again when tom's there. he'll tell me that i should leave because michael isn't interested in me.' ‚i'll come with you.' my mum said. that made me smile: ‚thanks mum. that means alot.' i said. ‚of course dear.'
so we really did it. when the next concert came we did go to the wembley stadium again. i still was afraid and wondered what would happen if tom said the truth, but my mum was sure he lied. so i trusted her. from a distance i saw another bodyguard of michael who i also knew. i told my mum that we should go there and talk to him.
‚hey mel!' he said and smiled ‚how are you?'. that surprised me. he didn't sound like michael told him he doesn't love me. ‚hey. uhm. can ask you something?' i asked him. ‚of course. but first come in. who's this?' he asked and pointed on my mum. ‚oh, that's my mother. can we both come in?' he smiled ‚sure. come in.' we walked inside and i already knew this location. in the next floor was michaels room. ‚well. you wanted to ask me a question?' he began to talk again. ‚yes. so i got a letter from tom and it said that michael doesn't love me back and that he's not interested in a relationship and so on..' the bodyguard interruped me: ‚what??? no. this can't be true...' his face got angry. ‚what's wrong?' i asked. ‚sorry... i'm just so.. ahhh- tom told michael that you don't love him.. he was so broken..' my mum got red-faced: ‚i knew it! this idiot!!!' the bodyguard was shocked: ‚i didn't expect that from tom... i'm gonna bring him here now. i think we all want to talk to him.'

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