how i met the love of my life

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[ 3 years later ]
i'm currently sitting on michaels giving tree on his neverland ranch. i just wrote down the whole story how we met each other. and i'm sure you wonder where i live now:
me and my family moved to california/ los angeles. michael and me still live on our neverland ranch and my family live 10 minutes away. i'm living my best live and i couldn't be happier. and who who thought that after all that that we've been through - all this shit with tom and so on - we would be as happy as we are today. tom is in jail by the way. luckily. and you know what's the best? me and michael are going to marry next year! he was so sweet and romantic asking me if i wanna be his girl forever! i cried like a baby!
okay, i think that's it. that was my story. i hope you liked it and i hope you're happy for us. as i said i'm the happiest and i see my future in michael. i love him so much and i know how much he loves me too.
thank you for reading this story. that was how i met the love of my life <3
[ the end ]

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now