michael joseph jackson

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okay, so as you know i got a ticket for the michael jackson concert. after that i basically just called my boss right away. she were very proud of me. after that i called my family and my sister just freaked out. she loved michael but i didn't even know that.  she is a big music fan, she loves music more than i love it. and she has many favorite artists, i didn't know that michael was one of them. but after the calls i just realized that i didn't know how to get this ‚ticket' for the meeting with the superstar. i called my boss again and she told me that i could get an interview with michael through our company. i worked for a very big company, you have to know that. everyone knew our company and normally it should be a problem to organize a meeting with michael. okay, now i wanted to find out more about michael jackson. i went in a shop in the near of my hotel and just looked up for magazines. there were many magazines with michael on their cover and just with information about him. i bought one of them and went back into my hotel. then i just chilled on my bed and read the magazine. and now, again one thing happened in my head & heart... i can't explain it. it was just magical. what was that?
the more i read about michael in this magazine, the bigger this feeling in my heart got...
i stopped reading and focused on the feeling. i didn't understand that.. i continued reading and i really was amazed by this man. he was magical. and of course he looked very good, i didn't noticed that before. i had a crush on men like kurt russell or harrison ford, but i never thought about michael jackson. he was a very attractive man. i loved it when boys had curls. and i still do. i always love it when michael has curls.. i just stayed there and read the magazine for a very long time. i wanted to find out more about him. i went in a record store and bought a few vinyls by him. back then cd's were very new and i loved them, but i prefered vinyls. i still do by the way. my friends tell me i'm crazy because prefering vinyls in 1991 is very oldschool. maybe it is, but i loved them.
anyways, back in my hotel i listened to my new vinyls. and wow. this man, michael joseph jackson, truly didn't know what to say. he's amazing.

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