michaels pov (2)

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i left the room. i went to the rest room and closed the door. i sat down and cried... i ruined her life. she's gonna be everywhere now. on every tabloid cover, on every tv channel, simply everywhere... i felt so guilty. i had to perform in an hour.. i can't do this now.. okay. i had to focus on the show now. i didn't want to disappoint my fans. i wiped my tears away and looked in the mirror. my eyes were red and swollen. i took a deep breath. i felt so bad for mel. i just left the room... it was so rude. but i didn't want to cry in front of her.. how was she doing now? hopefully she's okay. i looked into my swollen eyes in the mirror. i had to get ready for the show... i tried to calm down. after a few minutes i left the rest room. i was already expected from tom: ‚hey michael, you' alright?' he asked. i nodded: ‚thanks tom. i'm okay.' ‚they're gone. i don't know how they came here. everything was safe and this never happened before.' he explained to me. ‚how's mel doing? where is she?' i asked him. he smiled at me: ‚she's good. she's still in your wardrobe. i told her she could stay a bit' i interrupted him. ‚bring her to saftey.' he looked confused: ‚what do you mean?' he asked. ‚bring her to saftey. she's not safe here... what if they'll get here again?? i ruined her whole life tom! i can't do this... please bring her to saftey!!' i got louder and my voice got more pain. ‚alright michael. you're doing it right.. but' ‚please bring her to saftey now.' i said and looked down. tom patted me on my shoulder and went into my wardrobe. i turned around: ‚hey! tom!' he turned: ‚yes michael?' i had to swallow. ‚tell her.. tell her i love her. please..' i said quietly. he came to me again and put his arm around me: ‚hey michael. if something is bothering you, i'll always be a good friend to you. i promise.' he said and smiled. i smiled back. ‚thank you tom. i really appreciate you. i'm also always there for you. even if it may sounds kinda funny to you if michael jackson is saying it.' i laughed. ‚it's not. you're a normal person to me. look: for me there's michael jackson, the big popstar and there's michael, a very kind & caring man.' i smiled.

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