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we had to wait a few minutes til the bodyguard, named nicholas by the way, came back with tom. when i saw him my eyes filled with anger and pain. how could he do that to me... my mother was even more angry than me. when he came she directly started to scream at him: ‚you freaking a**hole! how dare you to do that to my daugther.' tom looked extremly shocked: ‚what??? what are you talking about?! what are you doing here?' he said loud. ‚i could ask you same question! what are you still doing here after betraying two people who love each other??!!' she screamed so loud that michael heard us. i saw his face appearing from a distance. he came around the corner and kept listening to us. i saw him but he covered his mouth with this finger to show me that i shouldn't say anything. ‚what are you talking about?? i didn't betray anyone!!' he screamed. ‚don't scream at my mother!' i said angry. he came closer to me and his eyes were angry: ‚what are you still doing here? i told you michael doesn't like you. who did let you in??' i got more angry with every word he said. michael still stood there and didn't move. he obviously heard all of that: ‚do you really think it matters who let me in?? i think you should explain yourself instead now.' ‚i don't know what you're talking about. michael doesn't love you and you have to expect that. it's not my problem that you're to sad to except that.' i was rage. ‚who said i don't love her?' i heard michaels voice. tom turned around fast. michael stood there right im front of us and waited for toms answer. tom didn't say anything. ‚who said i don't love her??!!' he said louder and with more anger. tom began to talk: ‚michael! you're a superstar! you don't have time for these kitschy love things!' i saw how michaels eyes got more angry. ‚so that's what you think.. and because of that you're telling me that she doesn't love me and you're telling her that i doesn't love her?!' he said with anger and pain in his voice. ‚michael! this is the climax of your carrier! you don't have time for a realtionship!' he said. ‚go! i don't wanna see you anymore.' tom looked confused. ‚but michael i' ‚please go now.' michael said and pointed at the door. ‚but i didn't do anything wrong!!! it's a fact that you don't have time for that.' he tried to explain himself. i was so angry. ‚tom! you hurt me! don't you understand. leave now!' he said angry. nicholas took his arm and brought him outside. michael touched his head and his eyes got more anger and pain: ‚what an idiot! i really trusted him.' he said and looked at me and my mum.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now