first conversation with michael

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i heard the door open. i turned around and then i saw him. michael joseph jackson.
i just stared at him and he looked into my eyes. then he laughed a bit. i could'nt say anything. i was too overwhelmed. he closed the door and sat down. he was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. with his curls he looked handsome. i looked at him and i didn't say anything. it was so embarrassing but i simply couldn't say anything. he sat in front of me. then he started laughing because i looked at him for 10 seconds straight. he began talking to me: ‚hi! did you enjoy the concert?' did he just start talking to me??? ‚y-yes. it was ve- very nice' i tried to say. he smiled at me. oh my god. he has such a cute smile. ‚i'm glad' he said:  ‚i tried my best'. i smiled too: ‚you did very great' i said. we smiled and i looked into his eyes. now i felt like i knew michael for soo long already. but how is this possible? i tried to start a conversation: ‚look, i'm a journalist from london and i had this incredible chance to talk to you.' his smile got brigther. ‚your british accent is very cute' he said. i blushed. ‚thank you' i said. ‚and then you had to interview me?' he asked me. ‚uhm- no. i mean yes. so i was allowed to choose an artist. and i just had to choose you.' now he blushed. ‚i mean- you're amazing! i already bought so many stuff and vinyls.' he smiled at me. ‚that's so sweet! thank you' he said to me. after that i began to ask him my interview questions. this part took like 30 minutes. and after that we kept talking for like 2 hours. we talked about everything. michael was so kind and just incredible. talking to him was so magical and amazing, i had no words for that. in the end he said ‚thank you so much for this beautiful interview. the most interviewers are just here for money. and i don't have many friends to talk to about things we talked about now. it's not easy when you're michael jackson.' he said and smiled. that was so moving. ‚of course! it was a pleasure to talk to you' i said. his beautiful eyes looked into mine and we smiled at each other. looking at him was so magical. he's so handsome. then i slowly did stand up and said goodbye to him. he smiled and thanked me again.
and this was the beginning of everything. that was my first conversation with michael. i didn't think i would ever see him again, but we would see each other again very soon...

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