michaels pov (1)

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i sat there in my bed. all i thought about was her. only her, her, her. i didn't talk with anyone about that for now. i mean - nobody would understand me. they would think i'm crazy crushing on a journalist. they would say i meet thousands of them a day. but mel was different. we had a incredible connection. someone knocked at the door. it was one of my bodyguards: tom. tom was on of the bodyguards i was close with. maybe even a friend. i never talked about private things with him, but maybe i could. i don't think he'd judge me for private things. also, he was the bodyguard who met mel a several times. ‚hey michael. are you alright?' he asked me. ‚yeah, i'm okay' i said. i had to talk to someone now and i felt like tom was the one i could talk to. ‚okay. to be honest i'm not that fine.' i said. ‚oh, what's wrong michael?' he asked and sat down next to me. ‚listen, maybe you think i'm crazy but i- uhm..' .. ‚you're crushing on the journalist?' he asked. how did he notice? ‚oh.. uh.. maybe..' i said. he smiled at me: ‚michael, why would i think you're crazy? isn't it a great thing that you finally found someone?' i looked at him: ‚but tom.. the paparazzi would follow her everywhere she goes.. i don't want her to live a bad life just because of me... i would never be happy again if the paparazzi would hurt her in any way..' i almost began to cry. ‚oh michael, that's very kind of you. i understand you.. but you really like her, don't you?' ‚yes.. i mean it's crazy because i know her for a few days but with her it's different...' ‚yeah, and that's because you have to believe in you. i know that you can protect her.' i looked at him: ‚but how? i feel like the press would know it even if we would never go outside anymore.. the press is everywhere when it's about michael jackson.' he nodded. ‚you're right. but love is the most important thing ever.. isn't it? love is stronger then the press ever will be.' he said and smiled. that made me smile too. ‚thank you tom for your time. i'll think about your words.' i said. ‚it was a pleasure michael.' he said and left the room. i put music by james brown on and fell asleep.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now