bad tour

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only 4 days left til the mj concert. over the week in la i bought more and more things by michael. i never loved an artist that much before. i didn't know that i could love an artist so much. i had 10 magazines with him on the cover now. i had 2 vinyls and 3 cd's actually. i was looking soo forward for this concert. and then the day finally came.
i woke up in the morning and my first thought was about michael. i didn't even think about the fact that i did this for my work. i just thought about this incredible chance i had. before the concert started, i called my family. they also didn't realize that i was doing that. i was so excited. what would i ask michael? about what can i talk with michael jackson??? will he like me? or will he think i'm just a weird journalist? i didn't think so. michael was a very kind person and i did know that.
when i arrived at this huge stadium, i directly had the chance to talk to some budyguards. they told me that i'll get the chance to talk to michael after the concert.
so i looked up for my seat. i didn't had a better ticket, but it was okay for me. i didn't was a fangirl who had to stand right in front of the stage. but i loved the imagination of me standing right there and screaming for michael. til this moment i didn't realise what i was doing. but then the concert did start. the first song was ‚wanna be startin' something''. i sat there. i was speechless. i still can't describe the feeling of experiencing this in words. it was magical, beautiful and simply unbelievable. the concert took 2 hours. 2 hours of pure magic. this man was the most talented person i knew. why didn't i notice this unbelievable talent before? the fans in the front screamed so hard. and i did understand them. this man was amazing. i was sad when this concert did end. but now i was going to meet him. now i really became excited. i also was a bit afraid, because i would talk to michael jackson. yes, michael jackson. i think every person would get afraid at this point. but i was happy too. and sooo thankful that i has the chance to experience this. after the concert michaels bodyguards and the security people did led me in a room. there i had to wait for michael a few minutes. every minute i got more excited. and then, a few minutes later, i heard the door open...

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