tom's letter

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‚uhm, yes. i think so. they'll fly back to america then. why?' my mum looked at me with a serious view. ‚did he say how he's going to contact you? or when? he doesn't have much time anymore..' i looked at her: ‚what do you wanna say with that mum? tom is a nice guy and one of michaels true friends. please stop accusing him.' ‚oh mel, i didn't accuse him. i just think it's a bit strange, don't you think so? i feel like he wants to be a manager or something like that, it's just not his thing you know?' ‚well, i don't think so. he's so kind. please mum, let's talk about something else okay?' i said and smiled. ‚okay, maybe you're right. i don't even know him.' she said and hugged me.
a day later still nothing came. but i was sure that tom would contact me soon.
and that day a letter arrived. i jumped around because i was so happy. i opened it:
‚hey mel, this is tom.
i talked to michael and he told me that he doesn't want to stay in contact with you. i don't know what's going through him. i tried to talk to him but he told me he isn't interested in a relationship with you. i'm sorry. bye.
that was the letter. i read it and tears came. what was that? this can't be true... he told me that michael loves me 4 days ago... how could he change his feelings so fast? i loved him so much and i truly thought he felt the same... man, what would i do to be with michael right now. i wanted to talk to him. but i guess he doesn't want to talk to me. that's what tom wrote. and i respected that, but i wasn't ready to end this thing with michael. he would fly back to america in approx 3 days. i had to do something, it felt strange to just ignore this letter and end up with my feelings for michael. but when i'd go to this stadium again, paparazzi would follow me. they follow me everywhere i go currently. i visited my family. they also give the best advises. especially my mum:
‚look at the letter i got, mum..' she read it and i saw anger in her eyes. ‚this a**hole' she said. ‚hey! mum!' i said angry. ‚no, not michael!! tom's the a**hole!'

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