radio, television, others

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i turned on the television and tried to think about something else. but the first thing i saw there were news: ‚is this michael jacksons girl?' i changed the channel but everything was about me and michael now. i was about to cry. i turned on the radio: ‚michael jackson has a new girlfriend'. it was everywhere. but i didn't think about me, i thought about michael. i knew that these things hurt him. i felt it. i wanted to tell the whole world that we're not in a relationship and i just wanted all those things to stop.
i turned everything off. the press is bullshit. when i'd see michael again i'll say sorry to him. i felt very guilty.
i was about to meet my mother in the city that day, but i cancelled the meeting and told her to meet me at home. she also already saw everything in the newspaper and was so sorry for me.
when she arrived at my home i fell into her arms and cried. i didn't have anyone to talk to before: ‚hey darling, you're okay?' she asked me. ‚i feel so gulity mum. there are fake news about michael because of me. all because of me. we're everywhere now... in the radio, on television, everywhere!!! and it's my fault. and i don't care about that, but i'm sure michael does. i know how much things like that hurt him. maybe he was right. we can't do that. i love him, i don't want to hurt him.' i said and cried. my mum hugged me: ‚oh dear, it's not you're fault. and of course it's also not michaels fault. i'm sure he thinks the same way as you right now. he also feels guilty now.' she said with a calming voice. ‚he said he'd destroy my life, but he made my life so much better. i never felt what i feel when i'm with him before.' i said. my mum smiled and didn't say anthing. i was still in her arms and she hugged me. after a while we sat down and talked about other things. i had to think about something else now. but then we came up with michael again: ‚did this tom call you already? it's already 3 days ago' she asked me. ‚no. not yet..' i answered. ‚well, okay. in 2 days there's already the 2nd concert here in london, won't he fly back to america after that...?'

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now