second bad concert

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i followed michaels invitation and went to the second bad tour concert in los angeles. michael told his bodyguards to get me a backstage seat where i can see the stage well. and it was amazing. that time i saw the concert with different eyes. it was so magical, michael was an icon on stage. when he started performing dirty diana i suddenly noticed how hot he is. he really is so handsome. but i quickly made that thought go away. our realtionship to each other just wasn't like that.. or was it? i kept thinking about that a bit but then i focused on michael performing again. after the concert i waited backstage for him. as he came into the room i immediately ran into his arms: ‚you were amazinggg!' i said and he turned around with me in his arms. then he let me down again: ‚thank you.' he said and looked into my eyes. we were so close, we never were that close. i took a step back and michael got a towel and a cup of water. he sat down and knocked on the seat next to him. i sat down. we talked about the concert. we laughed alot as always. i loved our connection to each other. ‚which song do you like the most?' he asked me. ‚oh michael i love every song!! but i think dirty diana is my favourite.' i said. he smiled and thanked me. his gaze wandered to the window and one saw the starry sky. we got up and looked up to the sky: ‚isn't it beautiful?' michael said. ‚yes.' i answered. we turned and looked in each others eyes. michael took my hand and our faces got closer. we smiled. his finger brushed my hand. this moment was so romantic. all my problems ans thoughts flew away and i just enjoyed this moment. this moment took only 3 seconds, but it felt infinite. we got closer and closer but then- someone knocked at the door. michael looked to the door, hugged me briefly and called the person in. it was one of his employees: ‚sorry to bother you, but there are journalists waiting for you michael.' michael looked shocked: ‚oh my god, i totally forgot the time.' he said. ‚give me 2 minutes.' he said and the employee left the room. michael turned to me again. he took my hand and said: ‚sorry, i have to talk to your colleagues' he said and we laughed. ‚we'll talk later, see you at the neverland gates.' he said. he kissed my cheek and left the room.

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