michael pov (3)

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* a few days ago, right after tom talked to mel *
i sat there and was getting ready for the concert which started in a few minutes. i was super nervous because i didn't know what mel and tom were talking about. after a few minutes tom left the room with sad eyes. i turned around: ‚tom? what did she say? is everything okay?' i asked a bit afraid. ‚michael... i'm so sorry. she doesn't love you back.' he said. my heart hurt so bad: ‚wha- what?' i asked and my voice broke while talking. ‚yes michael. she told me that she doesn't have feelings for you.' he said. tears came up and i nearly started to cry, but the concert started in less than 10 minutes. ‚thank you for talking to her.' i said and left the room. i couldn't believe that. she came to this stadium again just to see me, we kissed, our conversations... this can't be true. or i'm just stupid and i don't know what love is... i didn't find another reason.
the whole concert i just thought about her. only her. while singing ‚she's out of my life' especially.
* a few days later *
the press was freaking out in the last days. ‚is this michael jackson's new girlfriend?' this sentence was everywhere. i was so sorry... mel didn't even like me, that's what tom said. and now she's everywhere on tv and everyone thinks she's my girlfriend. this was so bad. i didn't know how mel was feeling that time. i was sure she hates me for that. what if she can't live a normal life anymore now? she always told me she doesn't care, but i know how much things like that can hurt a person. i sat there in my bedroom super lonely. and once again i felt like i have noone. i had noone to talk to, noone to call...
noone. that's how i felt. i often sat there in my room and cried til i fell asleep. everyone thinks that when you're a celebrity you're never alone, but the fact that i was a celebrity made me alone. but mel changed it all. she gave me the feeling that i'm loved. but maybe i was wrong. or tom lied- but i'd be so bad to accuse him for nothing!
i always see the good things in a person - i'd never judge an innocent person. never.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now