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it was a week later. like every morning i woke up and got ready for work. michael was still everything i thought about and i still was sad. i tried not to think about him so much, but it didn't work at all... work was starting in a hour - so i still had a bit time... i sat down and drunk my tea. i decided to read a newspaper my mum bought me. i opened it and i was still tired. but when i saw the first page i was awake: michael jackson - bad tour. wembley concerts dates.' i just looked at the newspaper and thought i was dreaming.. of course! michael would travel to london soon!! i didn't think about that before.. was that fate again?? endlessly happy i went to my parents house a few minutes later. they opened the door and i jumped in their arms. i told them that michael will come to london soon and that i'll definitely gonna visit the concert. they were super happy for me.. i was so happy, but at the sams time i was scared.. what if michael doesn't want me to see him again? maybe he doesn't even like me.. what if i'd just annoy him? but my parents told me i should go there.. i did trust them.
so, guess what i did. because michaels bodyguards already knew me, i didn't buy tickets. i thought they'd let me in the backstage area without a concert ticket. my sister asked me if she should come with me, but i wanted to talk to michael alone first. i didn't know what would happen and i was a bit scared too.
on the day of the concerts i visited my parents again. they were so happy for me and that made me happy too. i still had many worries but i was sure i was going to do it now.
when i arrived at the wembley stadium i was shocked again. how many people want to visit these concerts... simply incredible. a few weeks ago i didn't understand that, but know i understand it with all my heart and soul. michael is magical. i searched up for some guards and asked them to show me where michaels bodyguards are. after a little discussion they did show me. the first bodyguard i saw was tom. i knew tom already. when he saw me he smiled. ‚oh hey mel! nice to see you!' he said...

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now