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i sat there in michaels wardrobe... i didn't know what to do now. his words were still in my head. he really thought he ruined my life - but he didn't! he made my life better. i know, the paparazzi is very annoying but i loved him! i really did... and i simply didn't care about the paparazzi. it just wasn't important at all. my love for him was way more important. but i had no chance to tell him.. someone knocked at the door: ‚michael?!' i shouted. but tom opened the door: ‚hey mel. look.. uhm- michael wants us to bring you in saftey.. he feels so gulity and he thinks he runied your life.' he said. ‚wha- what? he didn't! please tell him that he's the best! tell him that he made my life better. oh tom please tell him..' i screamed with tears in my eyes.. tom looked at me helplessly and sadly. i sat down on michaels chair and cried. tom continued talking: ‚mel. i know it's very hard. trust me when i tell you that it was very hard for michael too.' i looked at him: ‚is he okay?' i asked. ‚he's okay now. but he wanted me to tell you one thing.' he smiled. ‚what is it?' i asked. ‚he loves you mel. he really does. i never saw him like that before. look. when you left la, all he thought about was you. only you. he really is in love with you mel. we had honest and serious conversations.. he really has feelings for you. and he only wants to protect you.' he said with a smile on his face. i cried and smiled at the same time: ‚oh wow. i love him too. i love him with all my heart.' i said. tom smiled. ‚now come on. i'll contact you later. you and michael will definitely meet again. we're stronger then the public, right?' he said with optimistic eyes. i nodded. ‚yes. definitely.'
he brought me to a place where i can watch the concert. it would start in 10 minutes. this was the second michael concert i saw and i was so glad that i could see him perform again. but now with different eyes, with new experiences and with more love than the last time. i sat down with tom and we watched the concert together. when the first song began to play i already got goosebumps: ‚isn't he amazing?' i asked tom. ‚yes. he is. truly an amazing performer.' he answered.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now