surprise, surprise

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well. i really did went to this unknown place. normally you can't even travel there, i was only able to get there through special people and speacial paths. they told me that i should leave the taxi and go with them. but they already expected me. i didn't know what i was going to exprience til i arrived at the adress which was standing in the letter.
and when i saw it i knew what it was: neverland. michael jacksons neverland ranch.
what? this unknown sender was michael? and he invited me to this ranch? that was so unreal. the people who brought me there told me i should wait in front of the gates.
i was so excited. i was going to see michael again. and he obviously also wanted to see me again. i waited there for like 5 minutes and then i saw a shadow walking in my direction. the shadow was wearing a hat. and then his face appeared. michaels handsome face. he saw me and smiled. he came to me and hugged me. he smelled sooo incredibly good. tom ford - black orchid. that was his parfume. and i was in heaven. then he began a conversation: ‚hi melissa. i hope you're not too surprised' he said and laughed. i laughed too: ‚oh well, i am. i had no idea' i said. i didn't was nervous anymore because somehow i felt so safe standing there with michael. ‚i did expect that' he said ‚i think i have to explain what i did' he laughed. his laugh was so cute. ‚yes you have.' i said and smiled. it felt like we knew each other for 10 years already. ‚well. i truly loved our conversation and i had to see you again. as i already told you i don't have many friends. and i love talking to people who truly like me. as i said many people just do it for money.' he explained. ‚i loved our conversation too. and i'm soo happy to talk to you again michael. it's simply imcredible!' i answered. that made him smile and that made me happy. i felt like he truly needs a friend to talk to. ‚let's go, i'm gonna show you my world.' he said. he took my hand and we walked through the gates. that was my first time seeing neverland in real life. and it was amazing. i have no words for the magic you feel while walking through the paths of neverland. michael mentioned that i was amazed and smiled: ‚i know, it's wonderful.' he said. ‚yes. it is.' i answered.

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