i love you

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‚what an idiot.. i really trusted him.' michael said and looked at me and my mum. the pain in his eyes got bigger and the anger disappeared a bit. i ran to him and fell into his arms. he hugged me and i stroked his head. we ended the hug and he smiled at me. after that he went to my mum and hugged her too. i looked at her and her mouth said ‚oh my god' silently. that made me laugh. ‚hi! it's so nice to meet you. my name is carmen.' she said. ‚hey carmen! nice to meet you too. i'm michael.' he said what made us all laugh. ‚i love your music! when thriller came out 5 years ago i directly went into the record store and we all as a family listened to it!' michael laughed. ‚this is so sweet! i'm glad you like my music.' he said and smiled. ‚my husband also loves your music!! and my daugther - so mel's sister - is a big fan! she and her boyfriend always listen to you.' his smile got bigger. ‚mel already told me. i hope to meet her soon.' he said and smiled. michael came to me again and took my head. nicholas offered my mother something to drink and they left the room. ‚hi pretty. i'm so sorry for what happened.. i really trusted him.' he said a bit sad again. i put my hand on his cheek: ‚i did too... you've no idea how much this letter hurt.. and i almost believed it. but my mum told me that this can't be true and then we decided to come here again.' i said and smiled. he smiled too. ‚i'm glad you guys came again. i also was heartbroken.. and you know what? i thought about your words again.. love is stronger then the press will ever be. so- if you want.. i mean if you still want me after all what happened with the press and tom...' ‚yes.' i interrupted him. ‚yes. i love you michael. i love you with all my heart.' i said and tears came up. both of my hands stroked his cheek. he smiled: ‚i love you too.' he hugged me and kissed me. that kiss was so beautiful and i count it as our first ‚real' and ‚loving' kiss. ‚i really hope this relationship won't be in the public.. and i hope you can forgive me if something like last time would happen again..' i covered his mouth: ‚,michael. i don't care about these stupid press articles. i choosed a serious company for a reason.' i said and laughed. ‚right! your a journalist. i love your company, they don't write stupid lies. i also read their newspapers in my free time.' he said. ‚and you really don't care about these tabloids?' ‚no michael. i love your and i know our love will always be stronger.' he smiled and kissed me again.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now